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Malgorzata Bulaszewska






Małgorzata Bulaszewska, Ph.D., is a cultural, film and media researcher.

She researches online activity of the so-called “digital natives” and “digital immigrants”, in particular the prevalent thinking arising form their age, and stereotypes related to acceptable and unacceptable content, resulting from that thinking. She analyzes the verbal and visual rhetoric of the Polish blogosphere and the operations of social media platforms. Her other research interests include both historical and modern films. She focuses mainly on cultural archetypes and utopias depicted in contemporary film productions. She explores the development and socio-cultural significance of audio-visual materials as well as subsequent, lasting and fading cultural and social trends, and other aspects of pop culture.

She authored numerous articles, such as: “Zasiedlenie polskiej blogosfery przez digital imigrants. O cyfrowych aktywnościach popkulturowych” (Settling of the Polish blogosphere by digital migrants. About digital pop cultural activity) [2015], “Blog to… blog. Analiza pojęcia w kilku wybranych perspektywach badawczych” (A blog is... a blog. An analysis of the concept in selected research approaches) [2015], “Rola błazna w kulturze. Przedstawiciele archetypu w polskiej przestrzeni medialnej początku XXI wieku” (The role of a jester in cuture. Representatives of the archetype in the Polish media sphere of the early 21st century) [2016], “Wizerunek kobiety w Sieci i poza Siecią. Kompetencje medialne a stereotypowe postrzeganie wizerunku kobiety” (Images of women on the Internet and beyond. Media competencies and stereotypical perception of a woman’s image) [2020], “Retoryka polskiej blogosfery. Między cyfrowymi tubylcami a imigrantami” (The rhetoric of the Polish blogosphere. Between digital autochthons and immigrants) [2021], “Afektywne identyfikacje dzisiejszej kinematografii. Studium przypadków” (Affective identifications in contemporary film. Case studies) [2021], “Płynność praktyk partycypacyjnych kultury” (Fluidity of culture’s participatory practices) [2022].

Dr. Bulaszewska is a member of the Polish Society for Film and Media Studies.

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