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SWPS University - Main page

Marta Żywiołek-Szeja






Marta Żywiołek holds a Master’s degree in economy from the Jagiellonian University. Currently, she is pursuing a Master’s degree in psychology at SWPS University in Katowice, where is is also a Research Assistant at the Interdisciplinary Center for Research on Social Activity and Well-being FEEL and ACT WELL.

Marta authored and co-authored several scientific journal articles and presentations, which were showcased at eight scientific conferences, including some international ones.

As an assistant researcher, she is involved in several research projects carried out at the FEEL and ACT WELL center, for example "Strengthening People's Commitment to Volunteering for Refugees from Ukraine. Motivations of volunteers and intentions behind volunteering – the role of psychological and social factors”, financed by the Foundation for Polish Science (from the program “FOR UKRAINE”).

Marta also works as HR Specialist at Guardian Business Solutions in Katowice.