Psychologist, specializing in health behavior change, and issues related to physical activity and sedentary lifestyle. She is also interested in psychological aspects of the quality of life and parental practices. In her research she employs techniques of accelerometry to objectively measure physical activity.
Her research interests focus on health-related problems, for example why people have such difficulty in following medical advice related to physical activity, how to effectively limit health consequences of prolonged sitting (e.g. at work), and how to support children and whole families in crisis situations. As a psychologists, she works with clients at various clinics associated with Dzienny Oddział Psychiatrii i Zaburzeń mowy dla Dzieci i Młodzieży (The Outpatient Psychiatry and Speech Impediments Ward for Children and Youth) in Wrocław.
She has been participating in numerous research projects, including: “CO-CREATE: Confronting Obesity: Co-creating policy with youth”, “Jak wyjaśnić zachowania siedzące: zrewidowany refleksyjno-impulsywny model HAPA” (How to explain sitting behaviors: a revised reflexive-impulsive HAPA model), “Psychospołeczne determinanty oraz konsekwencje zachowań siedzących” (Psychosocial determinants and consequences of sitting behaviors), “Zachowania i przekonania matki a zachowania siedzące i poziom aktywności fizycznej u dziecka” (The impact of mother’s behavior and attitudes on sitting behaviors and the level of physical activity in children), “DIADY QOL Aktywność fizyczna i jakość życia: badania diadyczne w kontekście formułowania planów indywidualnych, diadycznych i kolaboracyjnych” (Physical activity and health - related quality of life: Dyadic research in the context of forming individual, dyadic, and collaborative plans).
At SWPS University, she teaches clinical child therapy, rehabilitation psychology, health psychology, and ethics for psychologists.
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