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Olha Zelinska, Ph.D. is a sociologist. She specializes in researching social movements, in particular various protests, and the roots of social inequalities. She examines the impact of political parties’ programs on social moods.

She was the Principal Investigator in a research project “Relationship Between Social Movements and Political Parties for the purpose of Democratic Representation of Social Groups in Europe” (2021–2024), funded by the National Science Centre (NCN). During the project, she investigated dependencies between social movements and political parties, focusing on some social campaigns that took place in Poland (Women’s Strike), Ukraine (Euromaidan), and Germany (Fridays for Future).

For the next few years, thanks to another grant from the NCN, she will study “The impact of war on social movements in Europe” (2024–2027).

More information is available on Dr. Zelinska’s personal website.

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