Futures of UkraineYouth, mobility and post-war reconstruction

principal investigator / project leader
Ph.D. / Assistant Professor
Full bio project value: PLN 400,264 (GBP 77,608)
SWPS University’s budget: PLN 82,343 (GBP 15,960)
funding source: University of Birmingham
discipline: sociology
location: Warsaw
duration: 2023 2024
A team of researchers from Poland, Germany, and Great Britain will research the situation of young migrants form Ukraine, currently living in the three countries, and their intentions related to potential return to post-war Ukraine. At SWPS University, the project is managed by SWPS Innovations, SPV.
The project is financed by the University of Birmingham, United Kingdom from the QR Policy Support Fund.
Project objectives
We recognize the need to coordinate the type of aid that is needed to support the recovery of Ukraine and the well-being of Ukrainian refugees. Using a participatory approach and working with displaced young Ukrainians in Great Britain, Germany, and Poland, we aim to understand whether the state measures respond to the needs of young Ukrainian refugees and if yes, then how. At the same time, we ask how these young people themselves envision the future of Ukraine and their aspirations to return to the motherland.
The main research objectives are as follows:
- To explore migration infrastructures via the lived experiences of young Ukrainians by:
- Co-developing, together with community researchers, a list of current coping tactics and understanding the role of social networks
- Exploring mobility aspirations (to stay in the current receiving countries or return to the home country)
- Co-developing, together with community researchers, a list of current coping tactics and understanding the role of social networks
- Analyzing whether educational, welfare, and migration policies are widely accessible, and how young people respond to them.
- To examine the hopes and the visions regarding the futures of Ukraine among young movers. To achieve this we will ask the following questions:
- How do the pre-2022 experiences and the current war impact imaginaries regarding the social, economic, and political development of the country?
- How do the current lived experiences impact the visions concerning Ukraine's desirable political and social vectors?
Read more about the project
The main goal of our project is to provide young Ukrainians, who have been displayed by war, with voice to foster social engagement, impact relevant policy, and encourage social change. We will get there through regular engagement with communities and stakeholders.
Popyk, Anzhela
Principal Investigator
First and last name
Anzhela Popyk
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sociologist, philologist
Academic degree or title
Ph.D. / Assistant Professor
Role in the Institute
{"funkcja-w-instytucie0":{"Funkcja":"","\u0141\u0105cznik":"","Nazwa w mianowniku":"Institute of Social Sciences"}}
Role in the Research Center
{"funkcja-w-centrum0":{"Funkcja":"","\u0141\u0105cznik":"","Nazwa w mianowniku":"Youth Research Center"}}
Role in the Department
Ph.D. / Assistant Professor Anzhela Popyksociologist
We will apply qualitative research methods, such as Individual interviews and Focus groups with young Ukrainian migrants in Poland, Germany and the United Kingdom, which will be held by our Community Researchers.
The community researchers will be trained thanks to the Community Practitioner Research Programme (CPRP).
Research Consortium
- University of Birmingham, UK
- University of Viadrina, Germany
- SWPS University
- Anzhela Popyk, Ph.D., Principal Investigator in Poland
Practical applications of results
We will provide a report with recommendations for various stakeholders who deal with Ukrainian young adults in the three above-noted countries.