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SWPS University - Main page


Meet our Researchers

Aneta Brzezicka


SWPS University is a leading research center in Poland. Results of our research find numerous practical applications in education, business organizations, and public administration. These discoveries require drive, courage, dedication, responsibility, and years of hard work. We would like you to meet the people behind the projects, see the research centers where they work, and discover the fascinating world of science, which improves the quality of life.

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Research Focus
neuroscience and cognitive psychology

Aneta Brzezicka is an Associate Professor at SWPS University’s Faculty of Psychology in Warsaw and the Head of the Neurocognitive Research Center (NCRC). Professor Brzezicka is also an academic teacher as well as a Master’s and Doctoral thesis advisor. She obtained her first degree in cognitive psychology, but during her studies she became interested in the biological basis of the human mind and psyche and she began to study the brain. These days, she is both a psychologist and a neuroscientist, and she combines these two approaches in her work. During one of her research projects she examined how depression influences cognitive function, in particular the working memory and the alpha waves emitted by the brain when people perform various tasks. While analyzing data from this study, her Ph.D. student discovered that the so-called alpha asymmetry index, which was thought to be different (lower) in depressed versus non-depressed people, did not prove to be a good indicator of depression, as statistically significant differences in alpha activity could be found only in 13 out of 300 analysis. The findings were so significant, and the data was so solid that the research team was able to publish a paper in a prestigious journal eLife.

Sometimes you formulate your hypothesis, and then you get your data, you run your analysis and you see that everything you thought about the reality is not true.

Aneta Brzezicka
Aneta Brzezicka
Ph.D. / Associate Professor

Hear Professor Brzezicka speak about:

Hard work and big rewards that are part of being a researcher.

Professor Brzezicka talks about her research in the field of neuroscience, which has challenged the previous assumption that the alpha asymmetry index, widely used for diagnosing depression, may in fact, not be indicative of this psychological disorder.

Read more about Professor Brzezicka's research

Research Center
Neurocognitive Research Center (NCRC)

The Center researches changes in the brain neuroplasticity in populations exposed to behavior modifying variables, including negative modifications, such as depressive disorders, aging or substance abuse, as well as positive modifications, such as cognitive training.
Neurocognitive Research Center (NCRC)  

Video Series
Researchers of SWPS University

Meet our researchers. Hear them talk about their passion for finding answers to scientific questions and their commitment to providing solutions, which improve the lives of individuals and communities.

The project is financed by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange under the Welcome to Poland programme.

Meet our researchers