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SWPS University - Main page


Neurocognitive Research Center (NCRC)

GutTeam – researches the influence of the gut microbiome on cognitive, emotional and social function.

Logo of the GutTeam at USWPS


The team researches links between the gut microbiome and human cognitive and emotional functions.

Food and Cognitive Abilities

Animal studies have proven that the quality and the amount of gut microbiome impact cognitive functions. Animals, whose microbiome was wiped out or diminished showed impairment in learning processes and in spatial and working memory. A correlation between the gut microbiome and emotional process as well as mood has also been observed in people. Studies have indicated that people suffering from depression and anxiety have different type of bacteria and the quality of microbiome than healthy individuals. Furthermore, there are indications that gut microbiome may play a role in diseases related to neurodevelopment and neurodegeneration, such as autism disorders, ADHD, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases.

Research Objectives

The goal of the GutTeam is to better understand the impact of the gut microbiome on behavior, especially in relation to mood changes and cognitive functions in healthy individuals and patients undergoing fecal microbiota transplant (FMT).


In September 2019, doctoral students from the GutTeam participated in The Gut-Brain Axis – Neuroscience School of Advanced Studies, which included lectures and discussions on the links between the gut and the brain, conducted by the leading experts in the field from all over the world.


The GutTeam collaborates with Dorota Zielińska, Ph.D. / Associate Professor at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences  


Doctoral Students

  • Aleksandra Bramorska, M.A.
  • Maria Kossowska, M.A.
  • Wanda Zarzycka, M.A.
  • Jagna Żakowicz, M.A.


  • Sylwia Olejniczak, M.Eng. (Coordinator)
  • Greta Front, M.Eng.
  • Edyta Mierzwa, M.A.
  • Piotr Kulisz
  • Jakub Orłowski
  • Julia Urban
  • Adrianna Zając
  • Wiktoria Zielińska


Currently, we are working on the following projects:

The impact of an anti-inflammatory probiotic supplementation on cognitive functioning in the elderly population – the moderating role of the dietary pattern

Grant funded by the National Research Center (NCN)
Grant amount: PLN 687,714
Principal Investigator: Aneta Brzezicka, Ph.D / Associate Professor

Read more about the project

Through the stomach (and intestines) to the brain? The influence of microbiota on human functioning: an experimental and correlational study

Grant funded by the Regional Initiative of Excellence (RID)
Grant amount: PLN 172,000
Principal Investigator: Katarzyna Kuć, Ph.D / Assistant Professor

Effects of sugar consumption on cognitive function - a pilot study

Funded by SWPS University
Grant amount: PLN 7,500
Principal Investigator: Wanda Zarzycka, MA