Pre-Suasion by R. Cialdini Published under the Auspices of SWPS University

The Polish edition of Robert Cialdini’s new book, Pre-Suasion: A Revolutionary Way to Influence and Persuade, has been published under the auspices of SWPS University.
Intuitively we know that “pre-suasion”, the process of preparing the ground for a successful negotiation, may be very useful. We often wait for or create the right moment, such as someone’s good humor, to gain their approval or consensus in a given matter. Robert Cialdini shows that there are many “pre-suasion” factors that can be employed in negotiations and he explains how they work, writes Professor Bogdan Wojciszke in the book review.
How to take full advantage of persuasion techniques
Following the global success of his book Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion, the eminent social psychologist Robert Cialdini, brings us a new work providing additional information on the techniques of effective persuasion. Cialdini’s influencing techniques are regarded as the cornerstone of effective persuasion that guarantee desired outcomes. Pre-Suasion complements and expands on the previous knowledge.
The book provides scientific data in support of persuasion techniques and it teaches how to choose the right moment for influencing others. Cialdini explains how to use the crucial window of time before one delivers an important message. This moment prepares people to be receptive to a message, before they experience it. Pre-suasion initiates the proper process of influencing and helps to remove potential barriers. The author explains how to recognize and control natural moments conducive to successful persuasion. He shows that it is also possible to learn how to create those opportune moments. Moreover, Cialdini provides tips on how to gain trust and attention of the interlocutor in order to increase the effectiveness of persuasion and achieve decisional advantage.
It is a groundbreaking and fascinating work, which provides very practical advice. The techniques of Pre-Suasion described in the book are supported by a wealth of scientific data and build on the author’s experience in the field of social psychology.
Book Reviews
In his new book, Robert Cialdini focuses on the step which directly precedes the actual persuasion phase and the formulation of requests, suggestions or commands. He recommends that we try to answer a few questions, before we proceed to persuade others. For example, what is the mood of our interlocutor? What has recently happened in their life? What they are thinking about? What is their emotional state? The physical location and the environment, where the conversation takes place, are also important. Cialdini points out interesting aspects of persuasion that might seem counterintuitive, surprising or even contrary to common sense.
Professor Dariusz Doliński
Social Psychologist
SWPS Uniwersity
The body of knowledge about persuasion, selling techniques, and communication is easily available online, in business literature, and in training sessions offered by a myriad of organizations. Why is it then that some leaders, sales representatives, coaches, negotiators and mediators achieve extraordinary results in influencing people and driving change, while others remain mediocre? Professor Cialdini has found the answer to this question and he presents it in his new book. It is important to know not only WHAT and HOW to communicate, but also WHEN to approach people. In pursuit of an agreement, it is crucial to prepare the audience and to create or pick the right moment, when people are more inclined to say YES.
Jacek Santorski
Businessman and consultant, founder of the Academy of Leadership Psychology at the Warsaw University of Technology Business School, partner of management programs at SWPS University.
Published by Gdańskie Wydawnictwo Psychologiczne under the auspices of SWPS University.
About the Author
Dr. Robert Cialdini has spent over thirty years researching the process of influencing. He is the world’s leading expert in the fields of persuasion, compliance, and negotiation. His books have been translated to over 30 languages. In 2013, he was awarded the title of doctor honoris causa by SWPS University. Currently he is the Regents' Professor Emeritus of Psychology and Marketing at Arizona State University.