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SWPS University - Main page

Collective narcissism corrodes own group

Can the pride of one’s own close knit group, a club or even a nation go too far? If it turns into collective narcissism, it may corrode the relationships within the group and lead to in-group conspiracy. An international team of researchers, including Professor Aleksandra Cisłak, Head of SWPS University’s Center for Research on Social Relations, probed the phenomenon of collective narcissism and its effects on group relations. Find out what they have discovered.

#collective narcissism #in-group rivalry #in-group identity #conspiracy beliefs #populism

What we researched:

  • Collective narcissism – a belief in in-group greatness that is not appreciated by others.

How we did it:

  • Four studies carried out in Poland, UK, and the US, on a national level and in a workplace demonstrated that collective narcissism predicts readiness to conspire against in-group members. The studies examined the concomitants of personal willingness to engage in conspiracies against fellow group members.

Why is it important:

  • Because the study has shown that collective narcissism, measured in the context of national identity, predicted readiness to engage in secret surveillance against one's own country's citizens.

"Despite their alleged in-group love, those scoring high in collective narcissism might be ready to conspire against those perceived as most typical of the in-group. Even though collective narcissists seem to always be on the lookout for others threatening their group, eventually they might end up being their own group's worst enemies."