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SWPS University - Main page

For national narcissists people are a sacrifice the narcissists are willing to make

How far are governments willing to go to uphold national pride? Research carried out by an international group of scientists, including Professor Aleksandra Cisłak, Head of SWPS University’s Center for Research on Social Relations, shows that in critical situations, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, leaders may prioritize a strong image of the group over members' well-being.

#collective narcissism #group reputation #national identity

What we researched:

  • Collective narcissism – a belief in in-group greatness that is underappreciated by others.

How we did it:

  • We carried out three studies in the context of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic in the UK and the USA.

What have we discovered?

  • We found that collective narcissism, measured with respect to the national group, was related to support of policies that protect the national image at the expense of in-group members’ health.

Why is it important:

  • Because our studies shed light on collective narcissism as a group-based ego-enhancement strategy in which a strong image of the group is prioritized over members’ well-being.

"Collective narcissists’ obsession with the in-group’s image and craving for recognition of its greatness may mean they forgo opportunities to effectively tackle crises. We found robust evidence that those high in national narcissism preferred image management over protecting fellow citizens in the context of a global pandemic."