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Research projects

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Formularz wyszukiwania na belce: Wydarzenia




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SWPS University - Main page

Helpful or harmful? How do electronic media impact child development?

Can the use of electronic media be beneficial for child development and child rearing? If yes, how can parents use these tools to their full potential? A team of researchers, including Krystyna Rymarczyk, Ph.D. / Associate Professor from SWPS University’s Behavior Neuroscience Lab. reviewed scientific literature concerning this topic.

#screen time #development #children #digital health

What we researched:

  • The impact of screen technologies on child development.

How we did it:

  • The researchers carried out a review that gathered current knowledge on the correlations of different screen media use and development outcomes, and compiled an overview of potential benefits that new technologies may provide to the pediatric population.
  • They aimed to answer the question: how can we use screen technologies for children’s maximum advantage, if we cannot evade screen time all together?

Why is it important:

  • Screen media are ubiquitous in human life across all age, cultural and socioeconomic groups. The ceaseless and dynamic growth of technological possibilities has given rise to questions regarding their effect on the well-being of children. Research in this area largely consists of cross-sectional studies; experimental and randomized studies are rare, which makes drawing causative conclusions difficult. However, the prevailing approach towards the use of screen media by children has focused on time limitations. This literature review provided a more nuanced perspective.