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Tomasz Szymczyński






Tomasz R. Szymczyński is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Political Science and Journalism (FPSJ), Department of Political Philosophy (FPSJ), at Adam Mickiewicz University (AMU) in Poznań Poland. He defended his extended Ph.D. thesis (habilitacja) at the FPSJ AMU in 2014, and his Ph.D. thesis at the Faculty of Social Sciences (FSS) AMU in 2003. He graduated with an M.A. degree from the Institute of Sociology FSS AMU in 1998, and an M.A. degree in International Economic and Political Relations - European Studies from the Faculty of Law and Administration (FLA) AMU (1993-1998).

He was awarded the MOFA Taiwan Fellowship (外交部 «臺灣助金»), provided by the Center for Chinese Studies (CCS) (漢學研究中心) in Taipei (Feb.-Dec. 2019). As a doctoral student, he received the Europa Fellows Scholarship and for six months studied at the Faculty of Cultural Studies (Kulturwissenschaften Fakultät) at the European University Viadrina (EUV) in Frankfurt (Oder) in Germany (2000-2003).

Professor Szymczyński is a Supervisor of the Asian Studies Student Research Club at FPSJ AMU and an Academic Board Member of the “Scientific excellence – origins, research, results” program, an International Summer School at AMU (

He has written five books, including: Polityka drogi okrężnej jako strategia sensu w chińskim obszarze kulturowym z perspektywy hermeneutyki wielojęzykowości (Politics of detour as a strategy of meaning in Chinese cultural area from the perspective of hermeneutics of multilinguisticality), published by Wydawnictwo Naukowe WNPiD UAM, Poznań in 2020.