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Online classes at SWPS University

Online classes at SWPS University

Following the recommendation of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Rector of SWPS University prof. Roman Cieślak has issued an ordinance to suspend all classroom teaching until further notice. Regular online classes will continue during the suspension period. We will inform you at least one week in advance about returning to classes in our University buildings.


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Online Classes at SWPS University

At this point we would like to emphasize that the implementation of distance learning, which is currently underway and scheduled to commence on 23 March, means that all subjects will be taught exclusively online according to the class schedule posted in the Virtual University. The commencement of distance learning does not mean it will be possible to use any of the classrooms in university buildings. We would also like to remind you that participation in the online classes is a necessary condition for credit in each course.

more about Online Classes »

Please note that according to the decision issued by the Minister of Science and Higher Education, the validity of all student ID cards has been extended until May 31, 2020. As a result, your ID cards are automatically valid, and you do not need to have them extended at the Centre for Student Affairs or an Office of Student Affairs. This also applies to doctoral students’ ID cards.


Suspension of Open Lectures

For the same reason, we have also canceled all educational events and lectures, open to general public, scheduled in March.

All online events (e.g. webinars) will take place as scheduled.

Epidemiological Response Team

Due to the current epidemiological situation concerning the COVID-19 virus outbreak, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education has imposed an obligation on universities to submit reports on any discovered cases among students or their family members. Therefore, we ask you to notify the University' should you or any member of your family find yourselves hospitalized, quarantined (at home, in a student dormitory etc.) or placed in an isolation ward due to a suspected SARS-Cov-2 infection.

Please submit this type of information to the Epidemiological Response Team at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

We will keep you informed of any upcoming developments.


Below you will find answers to the frequently asked questions about the functioning of SWPS University during the COVID-19 outbreak.


1. What will online classes involve?

You can attend online classes without leaving your home. We communicate via computer and possibly telephone, we meet on Hangouts Meet, we do not use printed materials. Everything else works as usual.

Be prepared for the fact that online classes are just as demanding as classes in classrooms. Ensure yourself a comfortable place with as few distractions as possible. Learning from home and through the computer is a different kind of effort, which you will probably notice in the first days.

2. Can I participate in online classes at the SWPS University building?

Classes are held only online and there is no possibility of using the rooms on campus.

3. How should I prepare?

Follow announcements on the Virtual University. Plan your participation in class according to the class schedule there. Take care of a comfortable place to work, see how it looks in the webcam.

Take care of technical capabilities to participate in classes, first of all, of access to the Internet.

Prepare your computer equipment, headphones are also important, preferably with a microphone (e.g. such as for a phone). For some activities a phone is enough (e.g. listening to a lecture).

4. How do I know when I have classes?

Apart from the fact that we are switching to online teaching, everything else works as usual, i.e. we all have a class schedule visible on the Virtual University. At the time when the class is scheduled, open the Virtual University and click on the "Classroom" button next to that class, see if there is any information from the lecturer and join the meeting on Hangouts Meet (click on the link there).

5. If the classes do not take place within this period, they will be canceled and postponed.

We ask you for your understanding - a lot is happening and we are also organizing online classes throughout the University for the first time so if something goes wrong, e.g. you will join the classes and they will not take place, just report it through the Contact Zone / Inquiries.

6. How long will online classes last?

Following the recommendation of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Rector of SWPS University prof. Roman Cieślak has issued an ordinance to suspend all classroom teaching until further notice. Regular online classes will continue during the suspension period. We will inform you at least one week in advance about returning to classes in our University buildings. 


1. Is online attendance checked?

Attendance at remote classes is treated like attendance at a classroom. For some time, the lecturers will take into account that we are all learning new methods of cooperation and that something may go wrong. But try to be present in class.

Your presence and attention can also be checked during classes: we know how much harder it is to keep attention during remote work so lecturers can ask questions and tasks during classes to facilitate participation.

2. What should I do if I have a class collision?

Apart from the fact that we are switching to online teaching, everything else works as usual, i.e. we all have a class schedule visible on the Virtual University.

If you have classes with a collision, choose the classes in which you will participate. Determine with the lecturer, whose classes you will be absent on, how to make up for your absence and the material from these classes.

3. Can my classes change?

Yes, because the lecturers are working on adapting teaching methods to online teaching. It may turn out that not every topic can be processed online in a pre-planned form. It may also turn out that some classes will be prepared later.

You will find out about any changes to the class schedule from the class schedule itself which will be updated on a regular basis on the Virtual University. The lecturer will notify you about any changes in the form of classes. During the class, follow the information provided by the lecturers. During the first class, they will introduce you to how you will continue working.

Remember that apart from switching to learning online, everything else works as usual.

4. Will only lectures be held online or will practical classes be online too?

All classes that were planned in the classroom will take place online. Classes in the form of e-learning will take place as before on the platform.

5. How can the course be passed?

The lecturer will give you relevant information.

6. What about workshops, laboratories, will they be held online?

The lecturer will give you relevant information.

7. What about implementation of internships and passing them?

Please submit an application to the Dean who will consider each case individually.

8. Where will the materials for the classes be available if they take place online?

Class materials will be available on Google Classroom or on the Learn Online platform.

9. What should I do if I do not have the conditions to learn remotely?

Unfortunately, none of us knows yet how long it will take to suspend classes in the classroom. It will depend primarily on the decisions of state authorities. As soon as these restrictions are over, we will return to classes in a regular organization.

Try to create conditions for participation in online classes as soon as possible. In this matter, we cannot help you as an institution but we encourage you to ask your colleagues for help.

Be sure to also inform the lecturer (e.g. by e-mail) who can give you tasks that will help you learn the subject.

If the suspension period lasts longer and the missing classes cannot be completed, you will be allowed to apply for a semester leave due to limitations caused by the epidemic.

10 .What if I do not participate in single classes because the Internet connection will be interrupted?

If for justified reasons you cannot participate in single classes of a course, write to the lecturer and determine together how you can make up for this absence.

11. If the classes are canceled, does it mean that they will not take place online?

Yes, you will receive an email notification that classes have been canceled and their status in the class schedule on the Virtual University will change.

12. What about projects carried out in groups? How should we finish them?

Contact the teacher in this matter and determine a new form of project execution.


1. What do I need to be able to participate in online classes?

Discover Google Hangouts Meet - this will be your main new tool for participating in live meetings.It will be useful for sure.

During teaching, the lecturers may also use other Google tools, such as Documents, Sheets or Presentations - they are all available to you as part of the University account The lecturer can also conduct classes on the University platform Learn Online. You can also access it using the account. If you can, take some time to learn about these tools.

2. Can I practice using Hangouts Meet somewhere?


  • Open a web browser - Chrome is the best due to the compatibility with Google applications.
  • Enter and log in with your University account.
    Click on ‘+ Join or start a meeting’.
  • Follow the instructions, give the browser permission to use camera and microphone, continue until a small screen with the ‘Join now’ button appears - then join the meeting.
  • You can invite other people and practice using the application together.

There are 10 technical things you should practice:

  • Leave the meeting and join it again: everybody sometimes accidentally ‘leaves’ during an online meeting so practice it.
  • Turn the microphone off and on: it is necessary to attend meetings of more than 5 people when you only need to leave the microphone of only one person turned on.
  • Say something and listen to someone, check how it is heard; take out and turn on the headphones again, see how what you hear changes and how you are heard.
  • See how you look, check different settings, choose the one that will be most convenient for you.
  • Turn the camera off and on: if you want to do something that may interfere with the reception of others, you can turn the camera off for a while and turn it on again when you feel that this will no longer be an interference for others.
  • Choose how people are displayed on the screen; Google automatically chooses the best presentation method for a given number of people but see how those methods differ.
  • Do you want to see only the lecturer all the time? Pin and unpin one of the participants, even yourself: by pinning the window you can see it all the time and you cannot see anything else; it is easy to do it by accident so practice it sooner, it will be easy for you to quickly restore the correct image.
  • Start the presentation and end it: it will definitely come in handy, you can show your entire screen or selected window through hangouts, you always have to choose something; learn to do it.
  • Expand the list of participants in the side panel and hide it back, see how the presentation of people on the screen and in the list differs.
  • Open chat and close it, write something in chat: chat can be used to report in class, especially when there are many participants.

That is all. If you practice these things, you will use Hangouts Meet freely.

3. Do I always have to enter Classroom to participate in online classes?

No, but almost always. If the classes were held in the building so far and there were no arrangements for remote learning, then the first place of your online meeting is Classroom, in which:

  1. the lecturer can leave information on how you will continue to work
  2. you will find a link to the Hangouts Meet meeting that you should join during the scheduled time of the class.

In the case of classes in which you have already developed methods of remote contact (e.g. diploma seminars or e-learning), the use of Classroom will not be necessary, although also in these cases we ask class lecturers to leave you some information in Classroom.

4. What should I do if I do not have a very good internet connection at home and online lectures will keep being interrupted?

Try connecting again. If the problem keeps repeating, ask someone in your surroundings to help you. Report the problem to the lecturer.

5. Will the University cover part of the costs incurred for accessing the Internet?

The University cannot finance the internet services of employees and students due to the top-down ordinance of the Ministry on conducting remote classes.

6. What will online physical education classes look like?

Classes are suspended until further notice, except for those who have already obtained permission to pass these classes in the form of e-learning, in according to current regulations. People who already enrolled in the e-learning course carry out these classes with the previous arrangements.

7. Who can I contact if I have problems regarding classes on the Learn Online platform?

Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

8. What should I do if I do not see the class access key?

A student enrolled in the course does not need an access key, after logging in to the Virtual University and entering the class schedule he/she immediately can enter Classroom. Remember to be logged in Google with the domain If the problem keeps repeating, write a message to the lecturer and ask for the key.

9. What should I do when I cannot access Google Classroom? Will I be absent from the class or can I report a technical problem to someone? If so, to whom?

Report it to the lecturer.

10. Can we participate in classes via Skype or Zoom?

Online classes take place only using Hangouts Meet.

11. What if I chose the wrong role in Google Classroom, i.e. ‘teacher’ instead of ‘student’?

Students cannot change their role in Classroom.

12. Will I be able to ask a question in real time during classes, e.g. on Hangout Meet?

You can ask questions during online classes. The lecturer will determine the rules of interaction in the class.

13. Can I participate in online classes by phone or tablet? Can I participate in the classes by connecting from an Android smartphone or an iPhone ??

You can participate in online classes using any mobile device - smartphone, tablet or computer.

14. Is having a webcam mandatory to participate in online classes?

No. All you need is internet access and you have to be logged in to Google with the domain

15. Do I need special software to participate in online classes?

All you need is internet access from a phone, a computer or a tablet. You log in to Google from the University e-mail address in the domain

General Information

1. How long will the suspension of classroom teaching last?

Rector of SWPS University prof. Roman Cieślak has issued an ordinance to suspend all classroom teaching until further notice. Regular online classes will continue during the suspension period. We will inform you at least one week in advance about returning to classes in our University buildings.

2. When will the University start teaching online?

We are planning to launch distance learning on 23 March. Online classes will last for the entire period of the suspension of classroom teaching.

3. Is the suspension period final or is it possible that classes will be cancelled longer?

It is to be expected that the suspension period may be extended.

4. What should I do if I just got back from abroad?

Regardless of whether you travelled to one of the affected areas, it is recommended that you contact the nearest sanitary and epidemiological station (with jurisdiction over your current residence) by phone for an epidemiological interview. According to the regulation of the Ministry of Interior and Administration of 13 March this year, persons returning from abroad must undergo a mandatory two-week quarantine.

5. What should I do if a ticket inspector fines me for travelling for discounted fares even though my student ID was extended?

All the relevant services were properly notified by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. However if any problems arise, they should be clarified in ZTM, SKM or PKP customer service centres.

6. Will the diploma exams be cancelled or postponed?

Decisions regarding diploma examinations are made by the Dean of the relevant Faculty. In individual situations please apply through the Contact Zone in the Virtual University.

7. Are Admissions Offices open?

The Admissions Offices in the individual campuses have been closed, but university employees are handling candidate applications online - via email and telephone. Admission deadlines for candidates remain unchanged.

8. Is the University open?

The university buildings in Warszawa, Wrocław, Katowice and Sopot are open. The Poznań campus and the School of Form are closed. We will keep you informed if any changes arise.

9. Are the restaurants at the University open as usual?

Restaurants and cafés are closed in all campuses.

10. Are the libraries open?

Libraries in all campuses of the SWPS University are closed until further notice. The deadlines for the return of any books and other materials (in all faculties) falling on or after 11 March were postponed to 1 June. No fines will be charged for unreturned books in the period from 11 March to 1 June. Academic staff may order materials by e-mail. Orders should be placed one day in advance.

11. Will the Center for Student Affairs and Offices for Student Affairs remain open?

Student affairs will be handled online through the "Contact Zone." Our staff are working at their full capacity and are making every effort to answer your questions in the shortest possible time. In the campuses we work on standby duty to enable the issue of documents you order online such as certificates or other documentation. The Office of Student Affairs in Poznań is closed.

12. Will the academic year be extended? Will the situation affect the dates of the summer examination period?

At the moment we are not planning any extension of the academic year. Please follow the announcements of the Epidemiological Response Team published regularly in the Virtual University.

13. What about the classes that did not take place between 11 and 22 March this year? Will these classes be made up for? How?

We will inform you about the way in which the classes that were supposed to take place between 11 and 22 March this year be covered in subsequent communications.

14. If I become ill, will I have to participate in online classes?

Absences due to illness are subject to the same rules as before (see: Rules and Regulations for Studying in the Faculty).

15. The suspension of classes makes it difficult to accumulate SONA points. Will the required number of SONA points for the academic year be reduced?

As in the case of other educational activities, decisions in this matter are taken by the Dean of the given Faculty.

16. Will the University be organizing its Open Days and the Student Festival this year?

All events and conferences held in all campuses of SWPS University are cancelled until 31 March this year. Events outside the campuses are cancelled by the decision of the state authorities.

17. Will the monthly parking fee be reduced on account of the suspension?

The car park operator is not offering any rebates on the monthly fee.

18. I urgently need a certificate for my visa - how can I get one?

You can order any required documentation through the Contact Zone. Certificates will be sent by post, and in particularly urgent cases, dean's office staff will be available on duty.

19. Will the university building be disinfected?

The university authorities are working to ensure an appropriate sanitary condition of all rooms on an ongoing basis. All buildings in all campuses are regularly disinfected.

20. Will the government restrictions delay the renovation of the new School of Form headquarters? Will the construction team be able to finish before the new academic year?

All the investment and renovation efforts in the new School of Form headquarters in Warsaw are taking place as planned.

21. Does the suspension also apply to Physical Education classes?

The suspension also applies to PE classes.

22. Will the deadlines for submitting theses be postponed?

This is subject to individual decisions of the Dean of the given Faculty.

23. Are students obligated to pay the full tuition amount for March in light of the fact that some of the classes in March were cancelled? Does the tuition fee for students who paid for the entire year upfront remain unchanged?

Yes. All the classes that didn’t take place will be covered at a later date. The form and time frames of the make-up classes will be communicated in the near future. The university has taken steps to shift to teaching by means of distance learning. Enabling students to complete the courses included in the curriculum in the current semester in such a way that there is no need to repeat individual courses or the entire semester in the following academic year is a priority for the University. The university authorities have allocated additional funds in the budget to carry out and provide the necessary support for these activities.

24. Does the University offer discounts on tuition fees for students in connection with the new mode of teaching (online learning)?

In the new teaching formula, the University must ensure proper implementation of the curriculum and reliable verification of the same learning outcomes that apply to teaching in the form of classroom activities and are recognised by the Polish Accreditation Committee. In order to achieve this goal and meet the challenge we are all facing, the University is already allocating additional funds in its budget to carry out these activities. Therefore, the University is not introducing changes to its terms of payment for studies. The academic staff are preparing to conduct classes in a way that allows for appropriate and efficient completion of the courses included in the particular fields of study.

25. What about payment for repeated courses that the university is not planning to pursue in the form of distance learning?

The University is making every effort to enable completion of studies online in the full scope of the curriculum. For courses which will not be available online in the current semester, the university is planning to include them in subsequent semesters at no additional charge.

26. Will the University charge interest for late payment of the tuition fees?

As we are not able to predict the scale of economic consequences of the pandemic we are observing today, the university is not changing the provisions of the agreements on the payment terms for studies or its late payment interest policy.

27. In the current situation, will the University change its debt collection policy?

The University sustains the current terms of payment for studies, i.e. payment is required until the 5th day of the month. We would like to remind you that you can request a deferral of payment of a single installment, whereby the decision is automatically positive for the first deferral in a given academic year. In other cases, students may be offered settlement agreements providing for repayment in tranches.

28. Is the university changing its policy on deregistration due to default in payment?

As before, the University will withhold the deregistration of students who cooperate with our debt collectors and commit to a schedule of repayment of overdue amounts. The deregistration proceedings which are currently underway concern liabilities that arose more than four months ago. Further decisions in this area will be taken in May when it will be clear whether the arrears are greater than usual.

29. Can a student change a payment date?

If the payment terms are not convenient, students may request to change them via the Virtual University. In justified cases the University may agree to change a particular payment date.

30. Will the University offer assistance for students who find themselves in a difficult financial situation as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic?

We know that some of you will be affected by the economic consequences of the emergency law introduced in Poland and we would like to remind you that you can always request a deferral of payment of a single instalment or enter into a settlement agreement concerning repayment in tranches. The University is currently analyzing the scale of student needs in the area of fees for studies and it will present its offer of assistance in the form of scholarships, loans or instalment plans. The forms of assistance will be communicated not earlier than in May this year.

31. Is the Career Office open?

SWPS University's Career Office is operating online. This means that all planned consultations will take place in the Google Hangouts/Meet service, to which all students have access via their student email. For those of you who for some reason will not be able to connect to this service - do not hesitate to contact the Career Office team by email or phone.

We would like to remind you that offers of internships, internships and jobs are published daily on the website and on the Facebook groups of the Office of Career Services :

32. Are Companies and Organizations still recruiting?

Companies and Organizations assure us that despite the transfer of recruitment processes to virtual meeting rooms (including recruitment interviews), they are still waiting for your applications. In some companies, the official start of work may be postponed.


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