Two SWPS University academics from Wrocław, Agata Gąsiorowska and Katarzyna Byrka, have been awarded Elsevier Reviewer Certificates. Elsevier, a world-leading provider of information solutions for researchers in the field of science, health and technology, recognizes reviewers who have submitted high-quality reports on peer articles. The SWPS University academics received certificates from the Journal of Economic Psychology and the Journal of Environmental Psychology for their outstanding contribution to the quality of the publications.

Associate Professor Agata Gąsiorowska, Ph.D. is a specialist in Economic Psychology. She studies various aspects of consumer behaviour, including the psychological value of money and impulse buying. Her research interests focus on various purposes of money and the influence of money on human behavior. She also studies individual differences in attitudes towards money. In her work, she searches for answers to the following questions: why do people display different attitudes (such as love, hate or indifference) towards money? What benefits, other than the ability to acquire things, do money provide? Why do we succumb to impulse buying? What is a shopping addiction? Currently, Professor Gąsiorowska, researches the relation between money, self-control and perceived control. The project is supported by an OPUS grant from the National Science Centre.

Katarzyna Byrka, Ph.D. is a social psychologist and an academic at the Wrocław campus of SWPS University. She received her Doctoral Degree from the Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, in the Netherlands. She was awarded three prestigious grants from two institutions: Iuventus Plus from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education as well as the Start and Pomost grants from the Foundation for Polish Science. Her research interests include the relation between declared and actual behaviors, indirect methods of attitude assessment, and the relation between promotion and behavioral changes. She specializes in social and health psychology. Currently, Katarzyna Byrka researchers compensatory behaviors as strategies to neutralize negative effects of failing to fulfill plans. The project is supported by a SONATA grant from the National Science Centre. She authored many articles in various publications, including Personality and Social Psychology Review.
Journal of Economic Psychology aims to present research that will improve understanding of behavioral, in particular psychological, aspects of economic phenomena and processes.
Journal of Environmental Psychology presents research from a wide range of disciplines with the focus on the scientific study of the transactions and interrelationships between people and their physical surroundings.