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SWPS University - Main page

Our Students Win 2nd Place in Enactus Competition

Our Students Win 2nd Place in Enactus Competition

Two community projects, developed and implemented by students of SWPS University, have been awarded 2nd place in the national edition of the Enactus Competion 2017, organized by an international non-profit organization, Enactus, which includes over 1,700 universities in 36 countries. Enactus supports student initiatives focused on local community development. The organization partners with over 550 corporate, organizational and individual partners, such as Walmart, KPMG, Unilever, and Microsoft, who invest in the power of entrepreneurial action for sustainable change.

Students as Catalysts of Change

Enactus inspires students to improve the world through entrepreneurial action. With support of educators and business partners, students develop business models and implement community innovations that empower people to be a part of their own success. In Poland, university students develop and implement close to forty projects annually, for example: an application that helps aphasia sufferers to communicate better, ecological fairs, business simulations that promote money saving strategies, and a fashion brand for garments created by local fashion designers, tailors and dressmakers.

Enactus initiatives are not only beneficial to local communities, but they are also an excellent opportunity for young people to develop entrepreneurial competencies under the guidance of educators and experienced business professionals.

An integral part of the initiative is the annual competition, where students present their community projects. The projects are evaluated by a jury of Presidents and Directors of the leading companies in a given country. The jury awards main prizes and the winner represents the country at the international edition of the competition, Enactus World Cup in London.

This year, the Polish edition of the competition took place at the Palace of Culture and Science, in Warsaw, on June 5th. Special guests included Rachael A. Jarosh, President and CEO of Enactus International and Lord Dr Michael Hastings, Global Head of Citizenship for KPMG International. The first place went to the students of Wrocław University of Economics. Congratulations!

This year, the Enactus Jury recognized two projects, Kamionek Milowy and Cook ‘N Learn, developed by students of SWPS University, under the guidance of Dr. Konrad Maj, Head of HumanTech Center for Social and Technological Innovation at SWPS University. Both projects benefit the local community and small businesses of Kamionek, where SWPS University is located.

Kamionek Milowy – Nostalgia for the Past

The goal of the Kamionek Milowy project is to help local craftsmen and entrepreneurs to improve their small businesses. Students conduct surveys among the business owners and diagnose challenges that the entrepreneurs face in today’s economic environment. Base on the survey results, students organize workshops, which allow local entrepreneurs to develop a variety of skills, such as project management, marketing, brand development, online marketing and business plan development. Furthermore, students help to revamp the shops and workshops of the local craftsmen, so that the premises reflect the nostalgic atmosphere of the Praga district and highlight the qualities of the craft practiced by the entrepreneurs. Kamionek Milowy Project Report »

Cook 'N Learn – Multicultural Integration

Cook ‘N Learn is a series of cooking workshops for seniors and foreigners living in Warsaw, where participants have an opportunity tell their stories and exchange knowledge and experience. Cooking and sharing a meal allows people to get to know each other, let go of cultural stereotypes and share elements of their cultures. The events also promote healthy eating and are an opportunity to learn and practice English. Cook 'N Learn Project Report »

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