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SWPS University Among Top Grant Recipients from NCN

SWPS University Among Top Grant Recipients from NCN

We are very pleased that the latest report published by the National Science Centre (NCN) on grants awarded to research institutions in Poland, for the period 2011–2019, indicates that SWPS University is among top research centers in Poland, in the humanities and social sciences categories. We owe this excellent result to several strengths, such as a large number of studies conducted by our scientists, the excellent research infrastructure, supporting administration, and efficient research project management.

4th Best Research Center in Humanities and Social Sciences in Poland

According to the NCN report only the University of Warsaw, the Jagiellonian University, and the Adam Mickiewicz University received more funds for research in humanities and social sciences than SWPS University. With the total amount of research grants worth over EUR 16.3 million (PLN 72 million), we are the 4th research center in Poland in terms of grant amount awarded to an institution. Thanks to such generous financial support of the National NCN, SWPS University conducted 175 research projects, which has placed us in the 7th position in the country in terms of the number of received grants. This means that we are ahead of other Polish universities and research institutions, such as the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN). We are also the leader in this category among the non-public higher education institutions in Poland.
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stat. ncn kwotowe

Figure 1. The total amount of funds (in PLN) awarded in the disciplines of humanities and social sciences in the period 2011-2019

stat. ncn liczbowe

Figure 2. Number of grant applications approved for financing by NCN in the disciplines of humanities and social sciences, in the period 2011-2019

Top Research University in the Field of Psychology

SWPS University conducts research in the fields of law, language studies, sociology, literature and culture studies, management studies, political science, but we excel in psychology.

In 2019, we submitted 46 grant applications to the National Science Centre for research projects in psychology and we received funding for 18 of these studies worth close to EUR 2.6 million (PLN 11.5 million). This is the highest grant amount awarded to a research institution in Poland for psychological research last year. As the result, we are the top university in Poland in terms of the number of research projects and the obtained grant amount in the discipline of psychology.

Active Research Center

SWPS University scholars conduct numerous research projects and publish their results in prestigious international journals and monographs. Many projects find practical implementation in various areas of business and the economy. Every year the university opens new research centers and laboratories that offer state-of-the-art equipment enabling scholars to conduct advanced research projects. Moreover, professional administrative support ensures high effectiveness of securing research grants from external financing sources.

The National Science Centre is not the only funding source supporting research at SWPS University. The university receives grants from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MNiSW), the Foundation for Polish Science (FNP), and The National Centre for Research and Development (NCBiR), and the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF). Currently, we are conducting 220 research projects worth close to EUR 24.4 million (PLN 108 million).
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Latest Grants from NCN for SWPS University's Projects

In May, NCN announced the results of the most recent grant competition and SWPS University was awarded as many as 9 grants. One of the most important granting schemes helping to launch careers of young researchers is the PRELUDIUM BIS program, which provides funds to doctoral candidates not only for their research projects, but also for scholarships to finance their doctoral studies. All applications submitted by SWPS University in this category were accepted by NCN.
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Moreover, the following other projects were awarded research grants:

  • "The need for cognitive closure, self-esteem, agency, communion and participation in social networks", Principal Investigator dr Katarzyna Growiec, grant amount: PLN 508,920
  • Excessive buying as boredom-triggered behavior. Examination of the mechanism and boundary condition for the relation between boredom and excessive consumer behavior, Principal Investigator dr hab. Agata Gąsiorowska, grant amount: PLN 532,776
  • Trust in Artificial Intelligence, Principal Investigator dr Katarzyna Samson, grant amount: PLN 640,176
  • HIV/AIDS stigma and its mechanisms among people living with HIV: The role of minority stress and social support in two temporal perspectives, Principal Investigators: dr hab. Ewa Gruszczyńska, and dr hab. Marcin Rzeszutek (University of Warsaw), grant amount: PLN 252,000
  • Socialization agents shaping transnational transitions and multi-scalar belonging of migrant children in Poland, Principal Investigator mgr Anzhela Popyk, grant amount: PLN 95,879
  • The impact of interpersonal coordination on the spill-over effect. Understanding the spreading effects of mimicry, Principal Investigator dr hab. Wojciech Kulesza, grant amount: PLN 495,840
  • Toward an integrative model of maladaptive Spontaneous Task-Unrelated Thoughts (STUT). Processual and functional approach, Principal Investigator dr Monika Kornacka, grant amount: PLN 1,678,176
  • Is recurring irrationality adaptively rational? The role of numeracy and adaptive strategy selection in decisions under risk and uncertainty, Principal Investigator dr hab. Jakub Traczyk, grant amount: PLN 527,400
  • The Aesthetics of Populism. Political struggle and the aesthetics experience in Poland after 1989, Principal Investigator Professor Leszek Koczanowicz, grant amount: PLN 939,072

The total grant amount received by SWPS University for the above-noted projects is close to EUR 1.3 million (PLN 5.5 million). A big congratulations to our researchers!

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