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Our Student Elected VP of Students’ Parliament of Republic of Poland

Our Student Elected VP of Students’ Parliament of Republic of Poland

We are pleased to announce that Adam Malicki, a 4th year law student from SWPS University in Poznań and President of the SWPS University’s Student Government, was elected one of two Vice-Presidents of the Students’ Parliament of the Republic of Poland (PSRP). This prestigious honor confirms that the engagement and activity of our students has been recognized and appreciated beyond the walls of our university. Congratulations!

Adam’s main challenge in the new role will be to systematize the evaluation process at Polish universities. Once the task is completed, the Students’ Parliament is planning to publish handbooks on how to conduct such an evaluation process at all higher education institutions in Poland.

Our Representative in the Governing Body of the Student’s Parliament of the Republic of Poland

New authorities of the Student’s Parliament of the Republic of Poland were elected on November 28, 2020, during the 26th Delegate’s Convention in Warsaw. Mateusz Wojciech Grochowski from the Medical University of Bialystok, was elected the President of the organization for the 2021-2022 term.

The newly elected Parliament has very ambitious goals. “Our plan of action for the upcoming months focuses on the organization of the teaching process, support for student governments in their activities undertaken at their universities, and the implementation of the Law on Higher Education 2.0,” says Adam Malicki, SWPS University student, newly elected the Vice-President of the national Student Parliament.

Entrusting Adam with one of the top leading positions in the Student Parliament confirms that his engagement in student affairs not only at SWPS University, but also in the activities of the Students’ Parliament is highly valued. “The support for my candidacy for the Vice-President position extended by the Delegate’s Convention is a huge honor for me. We are ready to start working effectively and we are beginning the new term with energy and enthusiasm,” says Adam.

"The support for my candidacy for the Vice-President position extended by the Delegate’s Convention is a huge honor for me. At PSRP I will focus on the evaluation process at universities in Poland, e.g. how to prepare it and how to efficiently conduct an evaluation process at all higher education institutions in the country. I hope that soon we will be able to offer information and handbooks on this subject.”

Adam Malicki, Vice-President of the Student’s Parliament of the Republic of Poland


Students’ Parliament of the Republic of Poland (PSRP)

The Students’ Parliament of the Republic of Poland is an independent national organization comprising student governments from all universities in the country. The Parliament represents student interests at the governmental level. The Parliament evaluates laws pertaining to students and initiates projects and activities supporting student community, such as training sessions and workshops. Additionally, PSRP supports pro-student initiatives, initiates international student exchange, and actively participates in the international student movement.

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Study in Poland at USWPS University: Working in multicultural teams.