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SWPS University - Main page

Short Track to Knowledge: Intensive Elective Courses for Our Students

Short Track to Knowledge: Intensive Elective Courses for Our Students

SWPS University has just secured a grant from the National Agency for International Exchange (NAWA) to expand its education offer by providing Intensive International Learning Programs (IMPK) in psychology, management and English Studies, taught by international lecturers over two spring-summer semesters. The program will provide our students with an opportunity to broaden their knowledge beyond the mandatory curriculum, in their chosen area of study.

EUR 73,000 for Intensive International Learning Programs

Intensive Internatioal Learning Programs are part of the Spinaker project funded by the National Agency for International Exchange (NAWA). The goal of the program is to internationalize Polish universities by financing projects aimed at:

  • increasing interest, among international undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students, in study programs offered by Polish higher education institutions
  • increasing numbers of international undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students opting to study in Polish
  • expanding the offer of intensive international education programs, including distance education program.

To achieve these goals, SWPS University was granted over EUR 73,000.

The program is addressed to undergraduate students, who are currently enrolled in our study programs in English. As per NAWA requirements, the program is mainly addressed to international students, however Polish students may also apply. The program will provide our English studies, management, and psychology student with an opportunity to expand their knowledge beyond the mandatory curriculum, by participating in intensive (over 2 to 3 weeks) online and HyFlex spring-summer courses, conducted by lecturers from foreign universities. Upon successful completion of the program, students will receive ECTS points.

The grant will cover the cost of running the courses and equipping one classroom with tools for running HyFlex lessons on an LMS Moodle platform. The project will also include training for academic teachers on teaching Intensive International Learning Programs online and in HyFlex format.

Short Track to Knowledge

SWPS Universtiy's Intensive Learning Program, named Short Track to Knowledge, will offer courses in English studies, management and psychology, including:

  • English studies – the course will teach students "How to Write a Story: Introduction to Creative Writing”. During the 2021/2022 spring-summer semester, it will be offered as an online course, while in 2022/2023 in the HyFlex format.
  • Management – the course will focus on "Insights on Business Leadership in Times of Change”, and will be offered in an online format, both in 2021/2022 and in 2022/2023.
  • Psychology – the course on "Current Topics in Psychology” will be run during the 2021/2022 spring-summer as an online course, while in 2022/2023 in the HyFlex format.

All courses will be preceded by lessons on Polish history and culture titled “Warsaw in a nutshell: tradition, legend, and famous historical and literary places”, conducted in English by a lecturer from SWPS University.

SPINAKER logos eng


The Project “Short Track to Knowledge” is being implemented as part of the “SPINAKER - Intensive International Learning Program (IMPK)”, organized by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA). The program is financed by monies from a non-competition program no. POWR.03.03.00-00-PN16/18 “Support for capabilities of Polish higher education institutions to develop and implement international study programs”, which is part of the Operational Programme: Knowledge Education Development.

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