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SWPS University - Main page

Dr. Joanna Stojer-Polańska Named Promoter of Science 2020

Dr. Joanna Stojer-Polańska Named Promoter of Science 2020

We are delighted to announce that Dr. Stojer-Polańska, from SWPS University in Katowice, was named Popularyzator Nauki 2020 (Promoter of Science 2020) in the Researcher category, in an annual competition organized by the “Science in Poland” service of the Polish Press Agency (PAP) and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. Dr. Stojer-Polańska specializes in criminalistics, criminology, dark figure of crime, and the rights of police and military working animals. She authored books for children and youth about working dogs and horses as well as publications for adults about forensic evidence case studies. She runs numerous workshops for children, youth, and adults on forensics and working animals. We are proud that one of our researchers has been recognized with the prestigious Promoter of Science award. We believe that all scholars should make popularization of science part of their mission. Sincere congratulations!

Best of the Best in the Researcher Category

Dr. Joanna Stojer-Polańska is a criminologist who actively collaborates with the police on various aspects of crime solving and crime prevention. For example, she researches the dark figure of crime, collaborates with the police on missing persons cases. She also teaches criminal psychology at SWPS University in Katowice and devotes a lot of her time to popularization of criminalistics and criminology, the work of police and military working animals, and is an avid advocate of interdisciplinary research supporting prevention of crime.

“Popularization of sciences from the disciplines of criminalistics and criminology helps to educate general public about personal safety and initiates public discussion about serious social problems, such as incidents of missing persons, the dark figure of crime or the issue of state pension for police and military working animals. You have to collaborate with different organizations to solve problems,” emphasizes Dr. Stojer-Polańska.

For many years, she has been delivering public lectures and organizing popular science meetings focused on criminalistics.

“I love meeting people and I enjoy their interest in criminalistics and answering their questions. I follow the work of Cold Case units and successes of police search dogs. Crime is an important social issue. People are interested in capabilities of modern of modern forensics in solving crimes,” says the award recipient.

wykład dzieci stojer

Dr. Stojer-Polańska is a university lecturer. She also writes books for children and youth about forensics and the work of police dogs and horses. Her publications include: Psy domowe i służbowe (Companion Dogs and Working Dogs), Konie domowe i służbowe (Farm and Racing Horses and Horses in Police and Military Service), Niezwykłe przygody funkcjonariuszy na czterech łapach i kopytach. W poszukiwaniu śladów kryminalistycznych (Extraordinary adventures of four-legged police and military officers. On the trail of forensic evidence), Psy na tropie i w akcji. Poszukiwanie śladów kryminalistycznych i działania bojowe (Search and military dogs. Searching for forensic evidence and military operations), and Ślady kryminalistyczne (Forensic evidence)). She also enjoys meeting readers of her books.

lecture stojer-polańska

“The youngest readers ask the most difficult questions about evidence and they come up with the most imaginative investigative hypotheses. They are very interested in solving criminal puzzles. Some of the adult readers, on the other hand, share their own crime-related stories during our meetings. Therefore, I believe that educating the public about the dark figure of crime is very important,” explains Dr. Stojer-Polańska.

konferencja stojer

She also co-organizes events showcasing the work of police and military working animals, supports activities of the Veteran’s Nook Society (Zakątek Weteranów) that takes care of retired police and military working animals. Moreover, she teaches classes in criminalistics in a school for children with special needs. She also gives talks on forensic science during crime novel festivals and events popularizing science.

zakątek weteranów stojer

“Every event results in new acquaintances, friendships, and new opportunities for promoting the issues that are important to me. I would like to thank everyone involved in the organization of the “Dark figure of crime” conference and the Przypadki kryminalne (Criminal Cases) publication, which have been annual events at SWPS University in Katowice for the past several years. I would also like to thank riders and dog guides form the police and military forces for sharing their experience of working with dogs and horses, because thanks to them, I can write my books for kids about adventures of four-legged officers,” says Dr. Stojer-Polańska.

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Promoter of Science Competition

The Promoter of Science Competition was established in 2004 by the “Science in Poland“ service of the Polish Press Agency (PAP) and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (currently the Ministry of Education and Science). The award recognizes individuals, teams, and organizations that popularize science in Poland, present research results through various popular science initiatives, and help people understand the world better.

Close to 100 submissions were received in this year’s 16th edition of the competition. The submissions were evaluated by a 14-member jury comprising experience science educators and former recipients of the Promoter of Science award, which is given in five categories: Researcher, Animator, Institution, Team, and Media.

This year, the Grand Prize and the title of the 2020 Science Promoter of the Year went to Dr. Jerzy Jarosz, a physicist from the University of Silesia. Other award recipients include: Dawid Masło, a natural scientist, Professor Piotr Rzymski, a medical and environmental biologist, the team responsible for the Silesian Science Festival in Katowice, Hevelianum, a science, culture and education center in Gdańsk, and the editorial board of Filozofuj! (Philosophy!), a bi-monthly magazine popularizing philosophy.

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