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SWPS University - Main page

Autism and Evidence-Based Practice: Interventions and interactions

Autism and Evidence-Based Practice: Interventions and interactions

Practitioners and researchers often use slightly different language when it comes to autism therapy. While therapists and teachers emphasize the need for individual approach and the importance of good clinical and educational practices, researchers focus mainly on the reliability of the systematically analysed data. These two perspectives are joined in Evidence-Based Practise (EBP).

International Symposium


and Evidence-Based Practice

Interventions and interactions








The symposium is organized by SOTIS Autism Therapy Center and SWPS University


16 2018



Practitioners and researchers often use slightly different language when it comes to autism therapy. While therapists and teachers emphasize the need for individual approach and the importance of good clinical and educational practices, researchers focus mainly on the reliability of the systematically analysed data. These two perspectives are joined in Evidence-Based Practise (EBP).

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About the symposium

The aim of the symposium is to present contemporary overview of interventions available for children and adolescents with autism, combining the clinical and the research realms.

The symposium will focus on the key elements of evidence-based interventions:

  • Developing good clinical and educational practices directed at people with autism
  • Defining evidence based therapeutic techniques and ASD risk assessment methods
  • Examining perspectives of persons in the environment of the child with autism to determine the needs and priorities of the child and their family.

The first part of the Symposium (Interventions) will focus on the implementation of the science-based therapeutic interventions in the United States, Sweden and Poland. How to provide therapists and teachers with the most up to date knowledge? How to ensure that children receive high-quality services regardless of the therapeutic philosophy adopted by a particular organization? How to implement evidence-based techniques in different areas of ASD intervention (developmental, educational, health-related)? Answers to these questions will be the core of the part of the meeting held in English.


Part 1 of the symposium (9:30 am to 12:30 pm) will be held in Polish and in English simultaneously.
The rest of the event will be conducted in Polish only.
Full program »

Part 1 - Interventions

9.30-10.20 – Identification of Evidence-Based Practices for children and youth with autism - the National Professional Development Center on Autism Spectrum Disorder/NPDC systematic review, Prof. Samuel Odom (University of North Carolina)

10.20-11.10 – Promoting teachers’ use of Evidence-Based Practices for children with autism in the United States through the implementation of the NPDC Model, Prof. Samuel Odom (University of North Carolina)

11.10-11.40 – break

11.40-12.30 – Translating research to practice in preschool settings through a competency based model: Insights and perspectives from Sweden, Prof. Lise Roll-Pettersson (University of Stockholm)

The symposium is addressed to persons working with children and adolescents with autism – psychologists, doctors, educators, institutions’ directors – as well as everyone interested in the topic, especially family members of persons with ASD.


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Prof. Samuel Odom

A Senior Research Scientist at the Frank Porter Graham Child Development, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill. He is the author or co-author of over 150 journal articles and book chapters, including systematic reviews on interventions for persons with ASD. He has edited 10 books on early childhood intervention and developmental disabilities. His current research is addressing treatment efficacy for children and youth with ASD in elementary and high school grades. In 2013, he received the Arnold Lucius Gesell Prize awarded for career achievement in research on social inclusion and child development by the Theodor Hellbrugge Foundation, Munich, Germany. In September, 2016, is currently a visiting professor at Stockholm University, where he received and honorary doctoral degree in September, 2016.

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Prof. Lise Roll-Pettersson

Professor of Special Education at Stockholm University. Her academic and professional interests include applied behaviour analysis (application of learning theory) and higher education teaching methods as they pertain to the learning and development of children with autism and intellectual disabilities. She is at present principle investigator in a four-year project funded by the Swedish Research Council, which entails translating and culturally adapting the Autism Program Environment Rating Scale-Preschool – APERS-PE to the Swedish support system and to test whether a competency based model will improve the quality of preschool learning evironments for learners with ASD. Together with the Psychology department at Stockholm University, she has initiated the first master program in behaviour analysis with a focus on autism in Sweden of which the content has been assessed by the Behaviour Analytic Certification Board to meet international certification requirements. Other research interests include cultural aspects affecting supports and services to children with autism as well as the needs and perceptions of parents and extended family.


Time and Location

March 16, 2018, 9.00-17.00
SWPS University, Chodakowska 19/31, Warsaw, room N310


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