Disputes are unavoidable in business. This applies also to the dynamically developing economies of Central and Eastern Europe, including Poland. Alternative Dispute Resolution methods (ADR) are a modern and efficient approach to resolving such commercial disputes. Warsaw Arbitration and Mediation Days (WAMD) is a joint event of all major Polish arbitration institutions ICC (International Chamber of Commerce) and ICC Poland (Polish National Committee of the International Chamber of Commerce) focused on the wider business public as well as the arbitration and mediation community of the Central and Eastern European countries.
Arbitration & Mediation Days
Disputes are unavoidable in business. This applies also to the dynamically developing economies of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), including Poland. Alternative Dispute Resolution methods (ADR) are a modern and efficient approach to resolving such commercial disputes. Warsaw Arbitration and Mediation Days (WAMD) is a joint event of all major Polish arbitration institutions International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and ICC Poland focused on the wider business public as well as the arbitration and mediation community of the CEE countries.
Language of the conference: English.
Special discounts for students are available. Ticket information»
May 23-25
Warsaw Arbitration&Mediation Days
WAMD is designed to showcase practical applications of ADR in business for those with limited exposure to the topic and as a platform to exchange experiences with more seasoned users of ADR. As business is increasingly international, WAMD has a unique regional dimension with outstanding international arbitrators in particular from Central and Eastern Europe attending the event. We hope you can join us for this unique event.
May, 23 (UW)
8.45-9.15 Welcome remarks and opening of the conference
– Maciej Jamka
– Marek Furtek
– Przemysław Schmidt
– Tomasz Latawiec
– Katarzyna Antolak-Szymański
– Tomasz Giaro
– Ewa Gmurzyńska
– Alexis Mourre
– Maciej Łaszczuk
9.15-10.00 Judiciary, the rule of law and civil society
– Marek Safjan
10.00-10.45 Panel I: Arbitration and Mediation – Business Perspective
– Moderator: Przemysław Schmidt
10.45-11.30 Panel II Alternative Dispute Resolution – Perspective of the arbitration institution
– Marek Furtek
11.30-12.00 Coffee break
12.00-12.45 CEE Arbitration: the same origin, the different path
– Moderator: Beata Gessel
12.45-13.30 Panel IV: Should Poland terminate all investment agreements (BITs) – Oxford Debate
– Moderator: Wojciech Sadowski
13.30-15.00 Lunch
15.00-16.00 ICC event – “Meeting with the President and the Secretariat” about the practical issues connected with using ICC Arbitration Court
Moderator: Bartosz Krużewski
16.00-18.00 ICC event – “Meeting with the President and the Secretariat” about the practical issues connected with using ICC Arbitration Court
Moderator: Bartosz Krużewski
18.00 Cocktail Party (AIJA)
May, 24 (UW)
9.00-10.00 The 60th Anniversary of the New York Convention on Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards (SA KIG/CRSIK UW)
– Marek Furtek
– Rafał Morek
10.00-11.00 Current problems regarding the cross-border enforcement of arbitral awards in CEE: Round table discussion (SA KIG/CRSiK UW)
– Marek Furtek
– Rafał Morek
11.00-11.30 Coffee break
11.30-12.30 A “new” New York Convention on Enforcement of Conciliated Settlement Agreements – Is It Needed? The current state of play on the new multilateral convention conducted by UNCITRAL (Working Group II) (SA KIG/CRSiK UW)
– Ewa Gmurzyńska
12.30-13.30 The debate: Is a “new” New York Convention really needed? (SA KIG/CRSiK UW)
– Rafał Morek
13.30 Lunch
May, 24 (K&L)
9.00-10.00 K&L Gates office: ICC CEEAG meeting)
users group – members only
10.00 K&L Gates office: ICC CEEAG meeting)
users group – members only
May, 25 (SWPS University)
9.15-9.45 Breakfast & networking
EY forensic team - available throughout the day in the lobby. Live demonstration of IT forensic tools and technics
9.45-10.00 Welcoming comments from SWPS University
10.00-11.15 Arbitration from the perspective of an attorney ad litem
– Andrzej Szlęzak
11.15-12.00 Case study: How to define and value damages? Should Arbitrators and Attorneys Be Familiar with Corporate Finance?
– Dominika Karsznia
– Przemysław Schmidt
12.00-12.15 Coffee Break
12.15-13.00 Case study: Corporate Fraud and Forensic Evidence in Arbitration Proceedings
– Tomasz Dyrda
– Nigel Tabaee
13.00-14.00 A multidisciplinary approach to ADR. Thinking Biases in Arbitration and Mediation Proceedings and How to Mitigate Them
– Olaf Żylicz
– Lan Bui-Wrzosińska
– Max Bielecki
14.00 Official closing of the conference. Gala lunch
May, 25 (K&L)
9.00-9.30 Specialization of arbitrators and mediators, and proper resolution of disputes in harmony with Golden Principle no. 5
– Tomasz Skoczyński
9.30-10.00 Possibility of using a Dispute Adjudication Board as a construction project management tool
– Krzysztof Woźnicki
10.00-10.15 Coffee break
10.15-11.30 Arbitrator – position, mission, and role in managing arbitral Proceedings
– Piotr Nowaczyk
11.30-12.45 Debate: ADR influence on all phases of investment project
– Andrzej Grabiec
– Tomasz Latawiec
– Michał Skorupski
– Edyta Snakowska-Estorninho
12.45-13.30 DAB and Arbitration as the best practices in contract management
– Jacek Bendykowski
13.30-14.00 Coffee break
14.00 ADR in Contruction Disputes. International Perspective by ADR Commission of the ICC Poland
– Crenguta Leaua
– Virginie Colaiuta
Speakers from SWPS University
Associate Professor Andrzej Szlęzak
An expert in civil and commercial law, corporate transactions and both Polish and international arbitration. He joined SK&S shortly after its formation in 1991 and became a Partner and Senior Partner in 1993 and 1996 respectively. During his practice at SK&S, he has provided legal services in many privatizations and restructuring transactions in many sectors of Polish industry and banking, supervised various mergers and acquisition projects, participated in greenfield projects, drafted many transaction documents and authored many legal reports on civil and commercial law. Dr. Szlęzak also took part in the work of a Commission in charge of reducing bureaucracy in the economy, set up by the former Prime Minister Leszek Balcerowicz.
dr Katarzyna Antolak-Szymański
Deputy Dean, Assisstant Professor, at SWPS University, attorney and mediator (certified in Poland and the state of New Jersey (U.S.). She serves as a law clerk at the Supreme Court of Poland (Chamber of Labor Law, Social Insurance and Public Affairs). Her primary areas of research include Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), labor law and civil procedure, and she is considered an expert on mediation. Recently, Dr Antolak-Szymanski has focused on researching the legality of different forms of mandatory mediation. Author of numerous publications on ADR and labor law; most recently she was the editor of the book Mediacje Obligatoryjne [Mandatory Mediation] (2017).

Associate Professor Olaf Żylicz
Business psychologist, trainer and coach. His research interests include leadership, business ethics, manager training and development as well as training and coaching effectiveness. He has developed several questionnaires for the assessment of managerial competencies, work motivation and work-related stress. Author of over forty professional publications. He graduated with M.A. degree in Psychology from the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw and completed his doctoral degree at the John Paul II Catholic University in Lublin. He received his post-doctoral degree (habilitacja) from SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Warsaw. Additionally, he studied at Technische Hochschule in Darmstadt, Germany and IESE Business School, in Barcelona, Spain. He is a trainer, mentor, coach and examiner accredited by Noble Manhattan Coaching. From 2010 to 2013 he was Vice-Chair of the Polish Foundation for Management Research. From 2012 to 2017 he was Deputy Director for Education and later Director of the Business School at the Warsaw University of Technology. He lectured at the Central European University in Budapest, Hungary, the International Institute of Business in Kyev, Ukraine, the University of Connecticut, and the Goa Institute of Management. His career in psychology spans over 25 years, including 15 years of business coaching. As a consultant, he collaborated with People Partnering and SMG-KR Human Resources. For a number of years, he also was providing psychological expertise, such as training, research and coaching to Hay Group. Currently his main focus is on coaching senior managers in Polish, English and German. His clients include Volkswagen Bank Polska, Universal McCann, MEC, Arup Bank Handlowy (City Handlowy), BASF, PZU, MAKRO, PwC, Paribas, Ghelamco, and PKO BP SA. At SWPS University, he teaches organizational behavior, professional ethics, and leadership.
dr Maksymilian Bielecki
Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Psychology at the SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities, where he obtained both his MA and PhD. His primary scientific interests include individual differences in cognition, cognitive psychopathology, and psychophysiology. For more than a decade, he worked as an independent consultant – mainly in the areas of market research, methodology, and behavioural economics. For the last two years, he has been involved in the development of the Center for Innovation at SWPS University. The Center for Innovation is an interdisciplinary team of social scientists developing new, research-driven solutions for businesses and NGOs.
dr Dorota Wiśniewska-Juszczak
A social psychologist and lecturer at SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities. Her research interests are focused on the subjects of leadership and power. She is a partner of the Delta Training Company, with over 12 years’ experience in business training, including training for lawyers and managers. Dr. Wiśniewska-Juszczak has supported the development of top management, mid-level managers and talent at, among others, such companies as Rockwool, Abbott Laboratories, Dr. Irena Eris, Adamed, Solvay-Pharma, Novo Nordisk, Radwan i Rohrenschef, Sanofi-Aventis, Teva Poland, Roche Poland, VBH, Nutricia, Wardyński i Wspólnicy, and Roche Diagnostics. Moreover, she has worked individually with high- and mid-level managers in various organizations (approximately 350 hours of individual training).
- SWPS University
- Polish National Committee of the International Chamber of Commerce
- Court of Arbitration at the Polish Chamber of Commerce in Warsaw
- LEWIATAN Court of Arbitration
- Polskie Stowarzyszenie Inżynierów i Rzeczoznawców
- University of Warsaw
Conference Venues
- K&L Gates Warsaw HQ - Pl. Małachowskiego 2
- SWPS University - Chodakowska 19/31
- Warsaw University - Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28
May 23-25, 2018, 8.45-14.00
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