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SWPS University - Main page

14th Polish-Spanish Conference on the European Legal Tradition

Democracy, Peace and the Person. From Ancient Rome to Modern Times

About the Conference Sign Up

The conference is addressed to:

students and doctoral candidates, university graduates, members of the research community, and all other interested individuals

Languages of the event: English, Polish, Spanish, Italian

Figurine of Themis on a table, judge's gavel visible in the background

About the Conference

Welcome to the 14th Polish-Spanish Conference on the European Legal Tradition! This annual gathering of legal scholars is organized alternately by SWPS University and a distinguished Spanish university.

This year's conference, which will take place on May 10 in Warsaw, Poland, will focus on three important topics: Democracy, Peace and Human Rights.

Since ancient Greece and Rome, the development of political systems has been associated with the need for active public participation in shaping the system of authority. The form of a socially acceptable political system remains a subject of constant debate. History offers insights into the evolution of democratic structures and the need to adapt them to changing societal, economic, and political contexts. The Roman Republic, for example, which functioned for almost five centuries, eventually collapsed because it was unable to adapt to changing circumstances. In light of modern challenges, especially those related to technology and the emergence of the information society, it is essential to reflect on past experiences in order to inform scientific thought.

The second theme of our conference is peace, which is now recognized as a fundamental human right. However, the concept of peace goes beyond the mere absence of armed conflict. It is the basis of individual and societal security and a widely accepted social order based on just law at both national and international levels. Discussions about peace have been going on since Roman times and continue to this day.

Finally, the third theme of our conference is humanity. The democratic system is constantly being improved and adapted to current social, political, and economic needs in order to ensure peace for humanity. The concept of human rights has its roots in Greek philosophy, Christianity, and Roman law, even though it only emerged in the late 18th century. Roman law contained numerous solutions that are almost identical to today's concept of human rights, such as Florentinus' definition of freedom.

Register via the form below and join us at SWPS University in Warsaw.

Conference Schedule

Download the conference schedule   

Conference Fees

For active participation:

  • In-person participants – 150 EUR/670 PLN
  • Online participants – 100 EUR/450 PLN
  • Student rate – 80 EUR/350 PLN

Passive attendance is free of charge.

Registration Form


  • Universitat Jaume I de Castellón, logo
  • Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, logo


  • Universitat de Barcelona, logo
  • Universita Degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro, logo
  • University of Lodz, logo
  • Faculty of Law at University of Valencia, logo
  • University of Rzeszów, logo
  • University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, logo
  • Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw, logo
  • Institute of Law at SWPS University, logo
  • Koło Naukowe Komparatystyki Prawniczej, logo

Scientific Committee

  • Prof. Silvestre Bello Rodríguez (Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria)
  • Prof. Jaime Bonet Navarro (Universitat de València)
  • Prof. Adam Bodnar (SWPS University)
  • Prof. Marek Chmaj (SWPS University)
  • Prof. Jarosław Dobkowski (University of Warmia and Mazury)
  • Prof. Teresa Gardocka (SWPS University)
  • Prof. Michele Indelicato (Università degli studi di Bari Aldo Moro)
  • Prof. Rosa Indelicato (Università degli studi di Bari Aldo Moro)
  • Prof. Piotr Krajewski (University of Warmia and Mazury)
  • Prof. Sławomir Kursa (SWPS University)
  • Prof. Carmen Lázaro Guillamón (Universitat Jaume I)
  • Prof. María Lidón Lara Ortiz (Universitat Jaume I)
  • Prof. Joanna Misztal-Konecka (The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin)
  • Prof. Amparo Montañana Casaní (Universitat Jaume I)
  • Prof. Anna Musiała (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań)
  • Prof. Rosanna Ortu (Università degli Studi di Sassari)
  • Prof. Patricia Panero Oria (Universidad de Barcelona)
  • Prof. Ferdinando Parente (Università degli studi di Bari Aldo Moro)
  • Prof. Salvatore Antonello Parente (Università degli studi di Bari Aldo Moro)
  • Prof. Andrea Planchadell Gargallo (Universitat Jaume I)
  • Prof. Magdalena Rzewuska (University of Warmia and Mazury)
  • Prof. Maciej Rzewuski (University of Warmia and Mazury)
  • Prof. Magdalena Sitek (WSGE University of Applied Sciences)
  • Prof. Bronisław Sitek (SWPS University)
  • Prof. Beata Stępień-Załucka (University of Rzeszów)
  • Prof. Małgorzata Such-Pyrgiel (WSGE University of Applied Sciences)
  • Prof. Renata Świrgoń-Skok (University of Rzeszów)
  • Prof. Jakub Szczerbowski (University of Lodz)
  • Prof. Laura Tafaro (Università degli studi di Bari Aldo Moro)
  • Prof. Franco Vallocchia (Sapienza-Università di Roma)
  • Prof. Caty Vidales Rodríguez (Universitat Jaume I)
  • Prof. Mariusz Załucki (Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University)
  • Prof. José Luis Zamora Manzano (Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria)
  • Prof. Elżbieta Zębek (University of Warmia and Mazury)
  • Dr. Katarzyna Ciućkowska (University of Warmia and Mazury)
  • Dr. María del Carmen Colmenar Mallén (Universitat Jaume I)
  • Dr. Iwona Florek (WSGE University of Applied Sciences)
  • Dr. Małgorzata Eysymontt (SWPS University)
  • Dr. Ewa Pietrzak (SWPS University)
  • Dr. Tewise Ortega Gonzalez (Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria)

Organizing Comittee

  • Prof. Carmen Azcárraga è Monzonís (Universitat de València)
  • Prof. Mª Teresa Dicenta Moreno (Universidad de Barcelona)
  • Prof. Paula Dominguez Tristán (Universidad de Barcelona)
  • Prof. Mª Teresa Duplá Marín (ESADE- Universidad Ramón Llull)
  • Prof. Carmen Lázaro Guillamón (Universitat Jaume I)
  • Prof. Patricia Mesanza Costa (Universidad de Barcelona)
  • Prof. Amparo Montañana (Universidad de Castellón)
  • Prof. Silvia Pagés Casellis (Universidad de Barcelona)
  • Prof. Patricia Panero Oria (Universidad de Barcelona)
  • Prof. Bronisław Sitek (SWPS University)
  • Dr. Małgorzata Eysymontt (SWPS University)
  • Dr. Ewa Pietrzak (SWPS University)
  • Oliwia Dąbkowska (SWPS University)
  • Karolina Jarząbek (SWPS University)
  • Maria Jaszczur (SWPS University)
  • Emilia Jedynak (SWPS University)
  • Łukasz Kordelasiński (SWPS University)
  • Gabriela Kosior (SWPS University)
  • Aleksandra Krzycka (SWPS University)
  • Edwin Leśniak (SWPS University)
  • Paulina Lewandowska (SWPS University)
  • Jakub Nojszewski (SWPS University)
  • Mateusz Orłowski (SWPS University)
  • Maciej Sowiński (SWPS University)
  • Justyna Skwirowska (SWPS University)
  • Natalia Tolak (SWPS University)

Link to external conference website


SWPS University, Chodakowska 19/31, Warsaw
rooms: S302, S304, S305


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