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The EU: Creating Opportunities for Europe

About the seminarSign up

The seminar will be held in a hybrid format, combining in-person and online participation.

Only attendees present at the venue will have the opportunity to actively participate in the discussions. Please note that seating is limited. If capacity is reached, the organizers may invite interested individuals to join the online transmission.

A mural of the European Union flag with a circle of twelve stars. Pedestrians walk beside it.

About the conference

As we commemorate the 20th anniversary of Poland's accession to the European Union, we would like to invite you to participate in our seminar, "The EU: Creating Opportunities for Europe." This event provides a unique platform to delve into the role of the European Union and its impact on the academic and political development of our continent.

While the majority of the seminar will be conducted in Polish, we are pleased to announce that the panel discussion on Ukraine's future in the European Union will be held in English.

Join us! Together, let's reflect on the future of Europe and the importance of European integration in the face of global challenges.

Conference Program
Room S305

  1. Opening remarks
    Professor Roman Cieślak
    Rector of SWPS University
    Aleksandra Cisłak-Wójcik, Ph.D. / Associate Professor
    Vice-Rector for Research of SWPS University
  2. The EU: Creating Opportunities for Europe (introductory speech in Polish)
    Aleksander Kwaśniewski
    Former President of Poland (1995 to 2005)
  3. Discussion Panel 1: European Union's Significance to Academia (in Polish)

    Professor Hubert Izdebski
    Institute of Law, SWPS University
    Ewa Gruszczyńska, Ph.D. / Associate Professor
    Vice-Rector for International Affairs of SWPS University
    Professor Radosław Markowski
    Head of the Center for the Study of Democracy at SWPS University


    Katarzyna Wojtkiewicz, Ph.D. / Assistant Professor
    Institute of Social Sciences, SWPS University
  4. Coffee Break
  5. Discussion Panel 2: Ukraine in the European Union

    Professor Adam Rotfeld
    former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Poland
    Professor Robert Grzeszczak
    Chair of the Committee on Legal Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences
    Professor Kseniia Smyrnova
    Vice-Rector for International Cooperation of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
    Filip Cyuńczyk, Ph.D. / Assistant Professor
    Institute of Law, SWPS University


    Professor Klaus Bachmann
    Institute of Social Sciences, SWPS University
  6. Closing Remarks (in Polish)
    Professor Teresa Gardocka>
    Director of the Institute of Law at SWPS University

Sign up for the seminar

Only attendees present at the venue will have the opportunity to actively participate in the discussions. Please note that seating is limited. If capacity is reached, the organizers may invite interested individuals to join the online transmission.


  • Logo, Institute of Law, SWPS University
  • Logo, Institute of Social Sciences, SWPS University


Office of Institute Directors at SWPS University: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


SWPS University, Chodakowska 19/31, Warsaw, room S305