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Identifying and understanding dissociative disorders - Seminar Anabel Gonzalez

Identifying and understanding dissociative disorders - Seminar Anabel Gonzalez

Dissociative disorders are severe posttraumatic conditions that are frequently misdiagnosed due to their frequent comorbidity with many other disorders. This introductory seminar describes the modern concept of dissociation, scientific evidence about its causes, standardized systems of evaluating dissociative symptoms and general aspects of these disorders.


November8 2016


About the Seminar

The seminar is sponsored by the European Society for Trauma & Dissociation. Dr. Gonzales will deliver her lecture via an online video-conference from Madrid. Participants will meet at SWPS University in Katowice and will be able to interact with the presenter via the Internet.


The European Society of Trauma and Dissociation (ESTD) is a nonprofit organization devoted to the study and treatment of severe trauma disorders. The seminar is meant as an introduction of the trauma and dissociation topic for the consideration of mental health professionals.

258 anabel gonzalez

Anabel Gonzalez MD, PhD is a psychiatrist and psychotherapist. She heads the Trauma and Dissociation Program in the University Hospital of A Coruña, Spain. She is an author of several articles and books on dissociative disorders.


Free of charge - the event is sponsored by the European Society of Trauma and Dissociation.


Please register via the following link:

Time and Location

November 8, 2016, 16.00–19.00

SWPS University, Techników 9, Katowice, Poland



SWPS University

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