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SWPS University - Main page

Indonesia – A New Asian Giant?

Indonesia – A New Asian Giant?

For years, Indonesia has been underestimated as a potential partner, from the European perspective. However, this view has been changing recently. Thanks to the significant economic growth, Indonesia has become one of the so called “Asian Tigers”.

The country with the fourth largest population in the world, close to 250M, is becoming an important political center and economic partner in the region.

Panel Discussion

27 2016



Asian Dilemmas Series

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“The series is the first in many years public presentation of topics related to contemporary Asia and its relations with Poland and the rest of the world. Participation in the whole series may provide a sound knowledge base for individuals interested in the region, for example for students of International Relations and Asian Studies”, says Professor Krzysztof Gawlikowski, Director of the Center for East Asian Civilization at SWPS University.

Format of Meetings

The Center for East Asian Civilization at SWPS University has been invited by the Public Library at Koszykowa Street in Warsaw to prepare a series of public panel discussions and presentations on East Asia, under the common title “Asian Dilemmas”. The topics discussed during these meetings include contemporary matters of the region as well as its international relations, with a special focus on the relations with Poland.

The first series, entitled “China - the New Power” run from January 2014 to June 2016. The meetings took place every last Thursday of the month. The new series, “Asian Dilemmas”, devoted to economic, political, cultural and social issues of the region, starts on October 27, 2016.

The panellists will include renowned Polish and international specialists and government representatives, experienced in relations with Asia. The series is organized in cooperation with Warszawska Szkoła Reklamy [Warsaw School of Advertising], which provides video recordings of the meetings, available on the websites of SWPS University and the Public Library of Warsaw.


Peter gontha

His Excellency

Peter F. Gontha

Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to Poland

258 krzysztof szumski


Krzysztof Szumski

Former Ambassador of the Republic of Poland to Indonesia, Lecturer at SWPS Univeristy

258 Krzysztof Gawlikowski


Krzysztof Gawlikowski

Director, Center for East Asian Civilization, SWPS University




  • The Casimir Pulaski Foundation
  • The Public Library of Warsaw


  • The Center for Asia-Pacific Studies at the Institute of Political Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN)
  • Center for East Asian Civilization at SWPS University
  • The Polish-Chinese Friendship Association

chiny logotypy

Asian Studies at SWPS University

The Asian Studies program offered at SWPS University in Warsaw, which focuses on China and East Asia, is unique in Poland and Europe.

The program offers an intensive Chinese (Mandarin) language learning (720 hours of instructions) and emphasises the practical use of language in everyday and business situations. Additionally, SWPS University offers an additional semester of study in China and supports students in securing scholarships for studying in Asia.

Students of Asian Studies become familiar with the culture, traditions and contemporary issues of the region. They learn about specifics of diplomacy in the region, international organizations and Asian business.

Additionally, they acquire competencies indispensable in relations with all Asian countries and especially with China - the biggest and most prominent country in the region.

SWPS University also offers English Studies program with extended Chinese (Mandarin).

More about the Program »


Thursday, October 27, 2017,  18.00-20.00

The Public Library of Warsaw
Koszykowa 26/28
Stanisławów Kierbedziów Building, Entrance F, conference room

Registration at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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