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Wrocław Model United Nations 2016

Wrocław Model United Nations 2016

This November, Wrocław will host an international Model United Nations conference, for the 20th time. Students from around the world will visit the capital of Lower Silesia to discuss global, economic, social, and political issues.


22-25 2016


Model United Nations

Model United Nations (MUN) is a simulation of the United Nations organization. MUN conferences, organized in numerous cities around the globe, are a great opportunity for students to learn about diplomacy, international relations and solving common problems in the course of deliberation and discussion.

Students from around the world participated in MUN conferences as delegates, representing various countries. They work in committees devoted to global issues, which mirror the agenda of the real UN organization. Additionally, MUN conferences provide a great opportunity for students to meet other young people from around the world and to work together on finding solutions to global problems.

20th WrocMUN

The Model United Nations Conference in Wrocław (WrocMUN) will welcome 150 delegates from different countries. The delegates will form six committees that will mirror the actual UN bodies, including the Security Council, the International Court of Justice, the Economic Commission for Europe, the UN Women, the UN General Assembly First Committee, and the Historical Security Council. The committees will work on resolutions focused on various issues chosen for discussion by Committee Chairs.

The last day of the conference will be devoted to the MUN General Assembly, where delegates will discuss the selected issues and vote on the resolutions. WrocMUN will also host honorary guests, including the City of Wrocław officials, representatives of SWPS University in Wrocław, and speakers from TEDxWrocław.

WrocMUN 2016 Promotional Video


English speaking students attending public, private and international schools, from the member states of the United Nations.

Please note: registration is now closed.


International Baccalaureate Students from Liceum Ogólnokształcące nr 5 (High-school Nr. 5), in Wrocław.



SWPS University in Wrocław
Instytut Edukacji Społecznej [Institute of Social Education]
Semper Avanti
Liceum Ogólnokształcące nr 5, in Wrocław
New Horizons Cinema
Wrocławskie Centrum Wolontariatu [Wrocław Volunteering Center]
Piotr i Paweł [Piotr and Paweł grocery chain]

Date and Location

November 22-25, 2016

  • 22nd November – elective workshops
  • 23rd November at 9.00 – official opening ceremony
  • 25th November at 15.00 – official closing ceremony

SWPS University in Wrocławiu, Aleksandra Ostrowskiego 30b


Julia Wodzińska
Secretary General of WrocMUN 2016

Tel. +48 605 980 126
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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