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(WY)TWÓRCA I TWO(R)ŻYWO – Meeting with David Malcolm

(WY)TWÓRCA I TWO(R)ŻYWO – Meeting with David Malcolm

(WY)TWÓRCA i TWO(R)ŻYWO (Creator and Matter) is a new series of meetings with acclaimed authors, critics, and screen writers, organized by the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at SWPS University. The first guest in the series is David Malcolm, translator, author, and Professor of English Literature at the University of Gdańsk.

The meeting will be hosted by Professor Tadeusz Rachwał, literary historian, cultural critic, and Professor of English at SWPS University.


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(WY)TWÓRCA i TWO(R)ŻYWO – The Series

The series will focus on various aspects of the creative process. Representatives of the creative industries and different artistic genres will talk about intellectual and practical challenges facing contemporary artists.  The discussion will center around the dynamically changing cultural matter, which serves simultaneously as a source of inspiration, an artistic medium and an organic experimental (and experienced) territory. The guests of the series will include writers, critics, screen writers, and copywriters.

258 david malcolm

David Malcolm

Author of numerous publications on short fiction as well as on the writings of Ian McEwan, Graham Swift, and John McGahern. Co-organizer of the annual international festival Between.Pomiędzy in Sopot, Poland. Professor of English Literature in the Institute of English and American Studies at the University of Gdańsk in Poland.

His translations of Polish and German poetry and prose have been published in Britain, the USA, Poland and Austria. He writes reviews for the Times Literary Supplement.

Author of fiction, including a novel The German Messenger (Crime Wave Press, 2016) and short story collections Radio Moscow and Other Stories (Blackwitch Press, 2015), Radio Moscow (Artizan, 2016), and Blaga (The Blague) (Wydawnictwo Maski, 2017) - a collection that includes Polish translation of his five newest short stories.

Time and Location

January 17, 2017, at 17.00

Room P20 (Sala Zielona), Level -1

Chodakowska 19/31, Warsaw

Open meeting, free admission.

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