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Beehive, Small Data, Behavioral and Interventional Studies

Beehive, Small Data, Behavioral and Interventional Studies

Small data is big business. Nowadays companies and researchers want to know everything there is to know about human behavior, trends in sport statistics and weather forecasts, because this deceptively insignificant information is a gold mine of data that can be mined not only to sell more products, but also to improve the quality of human life. During his lecture titled Beehive, Small Data, Behavioral and Interventional Studies, Michael Sobolev, Ph.D., post-doctoral associate at Cornell Tech, in New York City, will talk about the interplay between behavioral economics and computer science. The lecture will take place on October 18, 2017 at SWPS University.

The lecture will be delivered in English and it is open to the public. Free admission.


18 2017


Beehive App

Beehive is a research platform designed to study human behavior outside of the lab (in the real world) using small data and ubiquitous mobile technology. Thanks to its mobile application, the platform enables researchers to recruit more participants, collect diverse objective data and apply smart interventions to improve the quality of daily life.


Doctor Sobolev will present two behavioral field studies conducted with the use of the Beehive app. During the first study, Beehive helped to measure and predict productivity and wellbeing of students, over a period of four months. The second study focused on the development and application of psychological interventions aimed at helping with digital addiction cessation by utilizing self-monitoring and negative reinforcement methods. Doctor Sobolev will discussed his studies in terms of practical implications and future research direction.

Michael Sobolev

Michael Sobolev

Michael Sobolev, Ph.D. - obtained his Ph.D. degree in behavioral science from Technion - Israel Institute of Technology. Currently he is a post-doctoral associate at Cornell Tech, in New York City and works under the supervision of Professor Deborah Estrin in the small data lab. His research interests include the interplay between behavioral economics and computer science. Specifically, he investigates how technology can lead to behavior change to improve wellbeing and productivity in daily life.

Time and Location

October 18, 2017, at 16.00 - 18.00

Prof. Tomaszewski’s Lecture Hall, Room 214

SWPS University, Chodakowska 19/31, Warsaw

Open meeting, free admission.


“Psychologist in Business” Research Club at SWPS Unviersity



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