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SWPS University - Main page

Effects of Social Influences in Childhood and Adolescence

Effects of Social Influences in Childhood and Adolescence

Living in society, we are all influenced by other people, from time to time. Children and adolescence are especially prone to social influence. Dr. Theda Radtke from University of Zurich will present her research results related to “Effects of social influences in childhood and adolescence across different health behavior domains.”

Lecture in English. Free admission. Location: SWPS University in Wrocław


February7 2018


Effects of social influences in childhood and adolescence across different health behavior domains

Dr. Radtke, a renowned expert in applied social and health psychology as well as the complex designs methodology, will present the results of her research focused on social influences in childhood and adolescence in the context of different health behaviors. She will also discuss innovative research methods that can be applied in the field of psychology.

The lecture will be moderated by Professor Aleksandra Łuszczyńska, psychologist from SWPS University in Wrocław.

258 theda radke


Dr. Theda Radtke - researcher and lecturer at the Department of Applied Social and Health Psychology, University of Zurich, Switzerland. Her research interest include: development and evaluation of theory-based interventions, impact of electronic media use (e.g. smartphones) on health behaviors, health behavior in children and adolescents with a focus on the development measurements to assess a social competence training for children as well as social exchange processes in families.

Podobny obraz


Prof. dr hab. Aleksandra Łuszczyńska - researcher in the field of health psychology and clinical psychology. She is interested in determinants of health, such as diet, physical activity, and risky behaviors, as well as factors improving quality of life for people who experienced traumatic life events or suffer from a chronic illness. She teaches health psychology, at SWPS University in Wrocław.


    Wrocław Faculty of Psychology

Time and Location

February 7, 2018, 15.00-15.45
SWPS University in Wrocław
Ostrowskiego 30b, room 119

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