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SWPS University - Main page

Psychology of the Courtroom: Guilty or Not Guilty?

Psychology of the Courtroom: Guilty or Not Guilty?

Reports of rape and sexual offences are on the rise. Despite this, criminal convictions at court are lower in rape cases than for almost all other types of crime. During his lecture Dr. Dominic Willmott from the University of Huddersfield will explain why rape victims are not getting the justice they deserve.

Free admission. Registration required. Lecture in English with simultaneous translation into Polish.

May 10
17.30 – 19.00

Psychology of the Courtroom: Guilty or Not Guilty?

Around the world reports of rape and sexual offences are on the rise. Despite this, criminal convictions at court are lower in rape cases than for almost all other types of crime. One explanation is that unlike other crimes, rape cannot rely on traditional policing methods. With most rapes occurring in private behind closed doors, CCTV evidence and eyewitnesses are rarely available to investigators.

Also DNA shows only that the alleged act happened, not whether it happened with consent. However, are these really the reasons why conviction rates are low? Or is there a more psychological explanation?

Based on scientific research carried out in English courtrooms with real criminal lawyers and judges, Dr. Dominic Willmott explains why rape victims are not getting the justice they deserve.


dom willmott

Dr. Dominic Willmott– researcher at the University of Huddersfield, England. With a specialism in Forensic and Criminal Psychology, Dominic’s work focuses upon the application of psychological principles within criminal justice domains, primarily decision making within the courtroom. Dominic’s research examining the extent to which bias can impact the impartiality of verdict decisions within rape trials, has received international attention within the media, science and legal practice. Dominic conducts scientific research in the field of forensic and criminal psychology around the world, including China, India, Uganda, Jamaica, Barbados, Grenada and Great Britain and has delivered research and training around Gender-based violence to numerous British police forces, Government Agencies, and Victim Charities, as well as to the United States Air Force.

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Date and Location

May 10, 2018 r., 17.30-19.00
SWPS University in Katowice, lecture hall
Techników 9, Katowice

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