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Lecture: Differentiated Embedding

Lecture: Differentiated Embedding

The concept of embeddedness has been used in migration studies to explain the degree of migrants’ adjustment and the “depth of roots” that migrants grow in the receiving countries and societies. However, embeddedness has been described as a vague and "fuzzy" concept, lacking in precision and clarity. In her lecture, Professor Louise Ryan, from University of Sheffield and a Visiting Professor at SWPS University will talk about Differentiated embedding as a framework for understanding migrants reaction to Brexit.

The lecture, organized by SWPS University's Interdisciplinary Doctoral Program is a part of the series The Challenges of the Humanities of the 21st Century.

The lecture will be delivered in English. Free admission.

November 16

Differentiated embedding as a framework for understanding migrants reaction to Brexit

In the lecture Profesor Ryan draws on her concept of differentiated embedding (see Ryan, JEMS, 2017) to analyze longitudinal data collected with participants before and after the Brexit referendum. She proposes the concept of ‘differentiated embedding’ to explore how migrants negotiate attachment and belonging as dynamic temporal, spatial and relational processes. Embeddedness has been widely used across a range of disciplines to explain migration: ‘features of social embeddedness are among the most influential factors for migrant settlement, onward movement and return’ (Korinek et al, 2005: 794). However, embeddedness has been described as a vague and ‘fuzzy’ concept, lacking in precision and clarity (Hess, 2004). There have been calls for a clearer understanding of the qualities of embeddedness and the multidimensional nature of ties, as well as more research on the dynamism of this process over time (Hite, 2003; 2005). Rather than a static notion of embeddedness, we can suggest the more active notion of embedding (Ryan and Mulholland, 2015).

Louise Ryan 258


Louise Ryan – Professor of Sociology at the University of Sheffield, UK and Visiting Professor at SWPS University in 2018/2019. Prior to joining the University of Sheffield she worked at the University of Middlesex University, London, for 12 years. Her research expertise is in the area of migration, social networks, gender and religion. She was elected a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences in 2015, and she is currently chair of the editorial board of the journal Sociology. Additionally, she is a member of the editorial board of International Migration and a member of the advisory board of the Irish Journal of Sociology. She is also a trustee and currently treasurer of the British Sociological Association. Professor Ryan is a series editor of the book series – Sociological Futures published by Routledge in association with the BSA. In 2018, two of her books have been re-issued to celebrate the 100th anniversary of women’s suffrage, namely: Winning the Vote for Women: the Irish Citizen Newspaper and The Suffrage Movement in Ireland and Irish Women and the Vote: becoming citizens (co-edited with Margaret Ward).

Professor Louise Ryan is a leading researcher on migration. We are privileged to host her as a Visiting Professor at SWPS University.

Izabela Grabowska, Associate Professor, Director of Interdisciplinary Doctoral Program

The Challenges of the Humanities of the 21st Century

“The Challenges of Humanities of the 21st Century” is a series of lectures by distinguished specialists, who represent various disciplines from the field of humanities. The events are aimed at students of SWPS University's Interdisciplinary Doctoral Program, however all interested parties are welcome. The format includes post-lecture informal discussions on topics presented by the invited experts. The friendly atmosphere of the events is conducive to networking, which lends itself to opportunities of future internships at universities or research centers around the world.

Doctoral Studies at SWPS University

Doctoral Studies at SWPS University are directed to people interested in an academic career and also to those, who would like to continue their education and personal development in support of their career advancement. The interdisciplinary character of our programs allows students to participate in projects from various disciplines. Our doctoral students collaborate with scholars from the best research centers in Poland and around the world. The master-apprentice approach guarantees that each student receives individual attention and professional support.

Date and Location

November 16, 2018 at 17.00
Chodakowska 19/31, 03-915, Warszawa, Poland


SWPS University's Interdisciplinary Doctoral School




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