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Reportage from the Inauguration of Academic Year 2019/2020

Reportage from the Inauguration of Academic Year 2019/2020

The Inauguration Ceremony of every academic year is an important occasion not only for first-year students, but also for all members of the academic community. The first day of an academic year is a promise of new discoveries, personal and professional development, and a better future. It is also a time for summarizing the accomplishments of the previous year and setting the course for the upcoming months.

The Ceremony

After the national anthem performed by SWPS University Choir, Rector of SWPS University, Professor Roman Cieślak, welcomed distinguished guests, including rectors of other universities, representatives of local and national government, members of the local community, as well as all academics, students and administrative employees of SWPS University.

The 2019/2020 academic year opens a new chapter in the history of the University. All Polish universities must begin the implementation of changes required by the new Law on Higher Education and Science, the so-called Constitution for Science or Law 2.0. Professor Cieślak talked about the structural changes resulting from the education reform, including the development of new Institutes of Psychology, Law, Humanities, Social Sciences and Design.

As every year, the audience had an opportunity to listen to an opening address by a renowned academic. Professor Radosław Markowski, sociologist and political scientist, who specializes in comparative political science and political sociology and researchers voters’ behavior and political party systems, delivered a lectured entitled Fate or Choice? Social Sciences on Capitalism and Democracy.

Traditionally, the Inauguration Ceremony at SWPS University has been an opportunity to recognize outstanding academics and administrative employees for their contributions to science, education and development of our University.

However, the first day of the academic year has always been and is the most memorable occasion for first-year students, who are officially sworn in as members of the academic community.

Create new solutions for the future

“In our study programs and the education process we impart current knowledge about human behavior, functioning of groups and communities, we talk about the role culture and the application of modern management methods. We teach how to develop laws and how to respect these laws”, said Professor Cieślak in his inaugural speech.

“I firmly believe that our alumni and students - psychologists, psychotherapists, communication experts, culture experts, designers, graphic designers, and IT specialists who will join us soon - will participate in the creation of new solutions, using not only the acquired knowledge, skills and social competencies, but also values and attitudes, which we keep in high regard at our University.

Dear students, challenges that you and your generation are facing are undeniable. You must confront them. Although you are not responsible for the current state of the world, you are responsible for the world’s future. Do not repeat the mistakes of your predecessors! Build your and our future by acquiring knowledge, developing your skills and social competencies. Do it at SWPS University!”

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