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What Matters in Life? Meaning and Values in Existential Analysis

What Matters in Life? Meaning and Values in Existential Analysis

Values have a great influence on our life. They are at the heart of every decision we make. They play a constant role in economics, politics, everyday life, as well as in disciplines like philosophy, psychology, religion, sociology. Values are fundamental in our striving for well-being, for improving quality of life, for finding meaning. During his lecture, Dr. Alfried Längle, a world-renowned expert in logotherapy and existential analysis, will provide an overview on actual shifts and tendencies in societal values and the role values play in designing one's own happy life.

The lecture will be delivered in English. Free admission. Registration required.

November 29

Values and the Meaning of Life

What are values? They are often treated on an abstract level and refer to concepts such as: health, education, truth, economic growth, freedom of opinion. And then these values motivate some people to fight for them while others remain indifferent. Why is that so?

How often do we find time to reflect on values on a personal level? How can we determine our own values? How can we turn that knowledge into a satisfying life? Will understanding own values help us to become who we are more fully?

From the perspective of Existential Analysis, the most relevant values are tightly connected with an experience of personal feelings for them. This interconnection is often not so well known but it sheds light into the inherent potential of values, as well as the difficulty to understand approaches to dealing with values by persons, societies and within one’s own life. The presentation gives an overview on actual shifts and tendencies in societal values and then focusses on the existential approach to finding and dealing with values. It shows that values and pleasure have some overlap, but they differ substantially. Finally, it lays ground to finding meaning.






Alfried Längle, M.D., Ph.D., Dr. h.c. – studied medicine and psychology at the Universities of Innsbruck, Rome, Toulouse and Vienna. After years of hospital work in general medicine, psychiatry and in an outpatient department of social psychiatry, he started a private practice in psychotherapy, general medicine and clinical psychology in Vienna in 1982. For many years he was a close collaborator of Viktor Frankl (1982-1991), who developed logotherapy and gave the basis for existential analysis. Längle is the founder and former president of International Society for Logotherapy and Existential Analysis. He made new developments in the field of existential analysis (methods, implication of existential self-experience in the training seminars, rejecting the exclusive use of the meaning paradigm in psychotherapy by implementing also the biographical access). Längle regularly lectures at Universities of Vienna, Klagenfurt, Moscow, St. Peterburg and Santiago de Chile. He is an author of numerous publications in the field of logotherapy and existential analysis. In Poland, together with the Society for Existential Analysis GLE-Polska, he runs trainings and workshops on psychotherapy based on existential analysis.

All Polish editions of Alfried Längle books are published by Imprint Media.

Date and Location

November 29, 2019, 19:00-20:30
SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities
Prof. T. Tomaszewski's Lecture Hall, 
Chodakowska 19/31, 03-915, Warszawa, Poland


  • Psyche Zone of SWPS University
  • Imprint Media




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