When studying for exams that encompass information learned over a significant period of time, you need introspective knowledge of your own memory capabilities to allocate an appropriate study time. There are topics or disciplines that you learn faster and those that come to you with a great effort. Why is that so? During the lecture, Dr Monika Undorf from the University of Mannheim in Germany will share results of her research related to memory and factors that impact the learning process.
The lecture, organized by Interdisciplinary Center for Applied Cognitive Studies is a part of the series "Fridays with Cognitive Psychology".
The lecture will be delivered in English. Free admission.
Please note, this time the lecture will take place on Monday.
Accurate monitoring of one’s own learning and memory is essential for effective self-regulated learning and good learning outcomes. Consequently, the many demonstrations that people mispredict the effects of various factors on memory have alarmed researchers and educators alike. The current presentation reports a series of experiments that analyzed the accuracy of metamemory judgments across a range of materials and judgments. Results revealed that people achieve considerable monitoring accuracy by basing their metamemory judgments on the personal significance of study materials. This demonstrates that previous research has overlooked a major contributor to metamemory judgments and severely underestimated the accuracy of metamemory judgments. Recommendations for improving metamemory monitoring will be offered.
The aim of this lecture series, organized by the Interdisciplinary Center for Applied Cognitive Studies, is to popularize cognitive psychology and to show how the results of research in this field may improve understanding of many processes and help solve everyday problems.
Date and Location
Monday, January 20, 2020, 14.00-15:30, room S305
Chodakowska 19/31, 03-915, Warszawa, Poland
Interdisciplinary Center for Applied Cognitive Studies
Contact: Maciej Hanczakowski
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Learning and Metacognition Experimental Laboratory
Contact: Katarzyna Zawadzka
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.