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Designing Heritage: Archives in the Era of Expanding Culture Field

Designing Heritage: Archives in the Era of Expanding Culture Field

“Nations that lose memory, lose their lives”, therefore all nations and cultures collect stories, documents and cultural artefacts of their past and create museums and archives to hold these objects. However, the field of culture is constantly evolving and expanding to include wider and newer forms of cultural expression. In his lecture, Professor Mirosław Filiciak from SWPS University will talk about the role that archives and museums play in contemporary societies, the tensions between different visions of cultural institutions, and about the definitions of culture itself.

The lecture, organized by SWPS University's Interdisciplinary Doctoral School is a part of the series The Challenges of the Humanities of the 21st Century.

The lecture will be delivered in English. Free admission.

January 31

Designing heritage: Archives in the era of the expanding culture field

The historiographic turn, crucial for the humanities of the early 21st century, is inextricably tied to „archive fever” diagnosed by Jacques Derrida a few years earlier. Archival logics have moved from the background of scientific research to the discussion which includes institutions such as museums, presenting heritage to the broader audience. The crisis of their role is now famously examined in the re-definition of the institution of a museum by the International Council of Museums.

What role(s) do archives and museums play in contemporary societies? Is there a need for change? Not only does this discussion clearly illustrate the tensions existing between the forgotten past and the present, which provides us with the perspective for looking back, it also includes the tension between the exclusive/normative and inclusive visions of cultural institutions, as well as the definitions of culture itself.

The lecture will offer an analysis of those interconnected processes, conducted from the local Polish, but also academic positions. What is the role of humanities within those considerations and how could we define their expediency in the contemporary world? The framework for the lecture will be provided by Rodney Harrison’s concept of heritage as a form of futurology.

Louise Ryan 258


Professor Mirosław Filiciak – Media expert interested in the relationship between new media and cultural participation. Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Head of the Institute of Humanities, Head of the Department of Cultural Studies.

His research interests include the Internet, computer games, transformation of television, contemporary culture, and informal distribution of information. He collaborates with numerous public cultural institutions, businesses and NGOs. He is also the co-creator of Kultura 2.0 [Culture 2.0], a project devoted to cultural transformations in the digital era as well as Medialab, the first Polish initiative combining social activism, art and technology. He was the principal investigator on numerous research projects, including “Młodzi i media” [Youth and Media], “Tajni kulturalni” [Secret Agents of Culture], and “Obiegi kultury” [The Circulations of Culture]. Author of several books, such as Wirtualny plac zabaw. Gry sieciowe i przemiany kultury współczesnej [Virtual Playground. Online Gaming and Transformation of Contemporary Culutre] (2006), and Media, wersja beta [Media. Beta Version] (2014). Co-author, together with Alek Tarkowski, of Dwa zero. Alfabet nowej kultury i inne teksty [Two Zero. The Alphabet of New Culture and Other Texts] (2015). He is also Deputy Editor of Kultura Popularna [Popular Culture], a peer-reviewed academic quarterly journal. At SWPS University, he lectures on new media, pop culture, and audiovisual culture.


In the era of fake news and distorted accounts of history that spread through the Internet like a wild fire, the way we preserve and present history and cultural heritage is becoming increasingly important. Professor Mirosław Filiciak will share with us current theories related to heritage and the expanding culture field.

Professor Izabela Grabowska, Director of Interdisciplinary Doctoral School

The Challenges of the Humanities of the 21st Century

“The Challenges of Humanities of the 21st Century” is a series of lectures by distinguished specialists, who represent various disciplines from the field of humanities. The events are aimed at students of SWPS University's Interdisciplinary Doctoral Program, however all interested parties are welcome. The format includes post-lecture informal discussions on topics presented by the invited experts. The friendly atmosphere of the events is conducive to networking, which lends itself to opportunities of future internships at universities or research centers around the world.

Doctoral Education at SWPS University

Doctoral Education at SWPS University is directed to people interested in an academic career and also to those, who would like to continue their education and personal development in support of their career advancement. The interdisciplinary character of our programs allows students to participate in projects from various disciplines. Our doctoral students collaborate with scholars from the best research centers in Poland and around the world. The master-apprentice approach guarantees that each student receives individual attention and professional support.

Date and Location

January 31, 2020, 17:00, room S304
SWPS University
Chodakowska 19/31, 03-915
Warsaw, Poland




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