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Can computer gaming improve the mind?

Can computer gaming improve the mind?

Over the years, computer games have gained some bad reputation, related to addictions or inducing violent behaviors, however in recent years the perception of gaming has been changing thanks to a multi-billion dollar industry, including e-sport and computer game design that generate hundreds of well-paying jobs. Scientists have also been studying the impact of computer games on the brain. Professor Aneta Brzezicka from SWPS University will present research results showing that gaming can offer a significant potential of changing the way certain functions in the brain work.

The lecture, organized by SWPS University's Interdisciplinary Doctoral School is a part of the series The Challenges of the Humanities of the 21st Century.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this online lecture is available only to doctoral students.

The lecture will be delivered in Polish.

June 26
17:00 CEST (UTC+2)

Can computer gaming improve the mind? Impact of gaming on the cognitive functions of the brain.

In the recent years, computer gaming has become one of the most popular forms of home entertainment. The perception of gaming has also changed. The rapidly developing e-sport industry has made people perceive computer games not only as a pastime, but also as a field offering professional career opportunities.

An increasing number of studies focus not only on the negative aspects of gaming, such as potential addictions, but also on the potential positive influence of gaming on cognitive functions.

During the lecture, Prof. Brzezicka will present results of the latest research from a study involving both, longtime gamers as well as people exposed to computer games for the first time (e.g. training studies using computer games as training tools), which was conducted at SWPS University’s Neurocognitive Research Center (NRC). Both lines of enquiry rather consistently indicate that computer games offer a significant potential of changing the way certain functions in the brain work.

258 aneta brzezicka


Professor Aneta Brzezicka – Psychologist. She researchers changes in the brain neuroplasticity in populations exposed to behavior modifying variables, in particular significant cognitive functions, such as the working memory. She is Head of the Neurocognitive Research Center at SWPS University, where she currently researches the impact of the microbiome on the cognitive functions of the brain. Additionally, she studies intracranial signals in patients performing tasks requiring the use of the short-term and long-term working memory to better understand electrophysiological foundations of memory. She is also a member of the European Dana Alliance for the Brain (EDAB). Recipient of a Kosciuszko Foundation Scholarship and grants from the Foundation for Polish Science (FNP). Two-times winner of the Iuventus Plus funding scheme awarded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MNiSW) for outstanding young researchers. Author of numerous publications in international journals, including: Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, Frontiers in Psychology, and Cognition and Emotion. She collaborates with Rutishauser Lab, a systems neuroscience laboratory, at the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles. At SWPS University she teaches about cognitive functions of the brain, neural oscillations, and conducts seminars on cognitive training.


Most of us are familiar with computer gaming as a form of entertainment. However, Professor Aneta Brzezicka will present interesting research, conducted at SWPS University, which indicates that computer games have a potential to change the way some cognitive functions in the brain work.

Professor Izabela Grabowska, Director of Interdisciplinary Doctoral School

The Challenges of the Humanities of the 21st Century

“The Challenges of Humanities of the 21st Century” is a series of lectures by distinguished specialists, who represent various disciplines from the field of humanities. The events are aimed at students of SWPS University's Interdisciplinary Doctoral Program, however all interested parties are welcome. The format includes post-lecture informal discussions on topics presented by the invited experts. The friendly atmosphere of the events is conducive to networking, which lends itself to opportunities of future internships at universities or research centers around the world.

Doctoral Education at SWPS University

Doctoral Education at SWPS University is directed to people interested in an academic career and also to those, who would like to continue their education and personal development in support of their career advancement. The interdisciplinary character of our programs allows students to participate in projects from various disciplines. Our doctoral students collaborate with scholars from the best research centers in Poland and around the world. The master-apprentice approach guarantees that each student receives individual attention and professional support.

Date and Location

June 26, 2020, 17:00 CEST (UTC+2)
Online lecture for doctoral students only.



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