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SWPS University - Main page

Celebrating Professor Strelau on his 90th Birthday

Celebrating Professor Strelau on his 90th Birthday

Professor Jan Strelau (1931-2020) was a world-renowned psychologist, researcher, and author of the Regulative Theory of Temperament. He would have been 90 years old on May 31, 2021. On this occasion, the University of Warsaw and SWPS University, two higher education institutions where Professor Strelau spent most of his academic life, are organizing a symposium commemorating and celebrating his life and achievements. The symposium will be a wonderful opportunity to reminisce on Professor Strelau’s contribution to the discipline of psychology and his work with many generations of his students and colleagues.

The seminar will take place online.
Main language of the seminar: Polish, with some lectures in English.

May 31
10:00 - 16:00 CEST (UTC+2)

We miss Professor Strelau enormously. We have organized this meeting to feel his presence through reminiscing about his time spent at both universities and, through an academic debate, reflect on the meaning and significance of his work.

Professor Roman Cieślak, Rektor of SWPS University



Remembering Professor Strelau

The first part of the seminar will be devoted to Professor Strelau's research and academic life. Presenters will talk about Professor Strelau’s contributions to the Polish Academy of Sciences and international scientific and research societies and his work at the University of Warsaw. He will also be remembered as an organizer of academic life at SWPS University and author of academic handbooks.

Detailed program of the Seminar »

Scientific Session

The scientific session of the symposium will focus on research related to Professor Strealau’s scientific interests. Topics include:

  • Temperament a zaburzenia psychiczne i choroby somatyczne: Tezy RTT w świetle wyników badań (Temperament and psychological and somatic disorders: RTT’s assumptions in the light of research results) – Professor Bogdan Zawadzki (University of Warsaw)
  • The Warsaw-Bielefeld joint venture: not just looking back – Professor Rainer Riemann (University of Bielefeld, Germany)
  • Regulacyjna funkcja temperamentu. Wybrane badania w podejściu różnicowo procesualnym (Regulative function of temperament. Selected studies in differential-processual approach) – Professor Magdalena Marszał-Wiśniewska (SWPS University)


Organizing Committee

  • Professor Wojciech Dragan, University of Warsaw
  • Maria Cyniak-Cieciura, Ph.D., SWPS University
  • Magdalena Kaczmarek, Ph.D., SWPS University


  • Faculty of Psychology in Warsaw, SWPS University
  • Faculty of Psychology, University of Warsaw

Date and Location

May 31, 2021, 10.00–16.00

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