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Workshop: Change by Design – Design As Protest

Workshop: Change by Design – Design As Protest

The world around us is changing rapidly. Some changes are for the better, while others ignite controversy and demand civic action and engagement. Certain developments spark spontaneous protests, while others require a long-term approach. During our workshop, co-organized by SWPS University’s Department of Graphic in Wrocław, we will discuss different forms of civic and social engagement and what to do to bring attention to the problems of the contemporary world, not just by protests and happenings, but also through a long-term strategy of sustainable development. The workshop will take place at Oerlinghausen, Germany, from 12th to 18th of July, 2021.

Application deadline: July 4, 2021.

July 12-18
Oerlinghausen, Germany

About the Workshop

With the pandemic slowing down, we hope to be able to run our summer workshop in a physical location and to meet with the participants face to face, learn together, learn from each other, and about each other. Taking into consideration the current situation, we have developed safety rules aligned with the guidelines provided by health authorities. If circumstances change and we are not able to hold the workshop on the currently scheduled dates, we will reschedule. We kindly ask for your patience and understanding in this matter and cordially invite you to participate in the workshop.

Over the past several decades, humanity has been facing many serious challenges on many levels, including: individual (work-life balance), social (deeply divided society, populism, growing tensions between democracy and capitalism) and global (international conflicts, climate change). It is hard to remain indifferent in the face of these huge changes. Activism takes many forms, as does protest. After all, ‘street activism’ is just one of the many ways of manifesting civic disobedience = civic engagement.

Let’s meet to discuss and design protests in the spirit of repair culture. During the workshop, we will talk about different forms of civic and social engagement and what to do to bring attention to the problems of the contemporary world, not just by protests and happenings, but also through a long-term strategy of sustainable development.

The workshop will be focused on ideas, concept and prototype development centered around social implementation.

The workshop is a part of a five-year series “Change by Design” organized by the Institute of Migration and Resettlement, Polish-German Youth Cooperation, and the Department of Graphic Design of the University of Social Sciences and Humanities, in Oerlinghausen (Germany). The main focus is to work on topics related to the conditions of the contemporary world, the so-called VUCA (Variability, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity).

What will you gain:

  • A broader perspective on society and social processes, enhanced by a thoughtful and empathic approach
  • Ability to solve complex social problems with the use of the latest methods and design tools
  • Ability to work in cross-functional intercultural teams
  • An advanced concept/prototype of activities necessary to organize a protest

We strongly encourage participants to prepare for the workshop by:

Workshop Methodology

As a design framework, we will apply the so-called ‘design sprint’, a format that takes into account group dynamics and efficiency in the following steps:

  • understand
  • ideate
  • decide
  • prototype
  • test.

Who should attend?

We invite young adults living in Poland and Germany under 27 years of age, in particular students interested in society, intercultural communication, social design and a sustainable future.

The workshop improves intercultural and linguistic competence and will be conducted in the following language combinations: English, German and Polish.

Application deadline: July 4, 2021

Apply now »


  • EUR 80, including workshops, accommodation, food and workshop materials
  • Travel costs will be reimbursed for the participants from Poland up to PLN 350, after the completion of the project.

Date and location

July 12-18, 2020
Location: Villa Welchen, Am Lehmstich 15, Oerlinghausen (


e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


  • Maria Chojnacka – SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Wrocław, Poland; interests/courses: graphic design; responsibilities: icebreaking, design process support
  • Martyna Gach – SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Wrocław, Poland; interests/courses: social activism; responsibilities: theoretical input, design process support
  • Thomas Lewe – Volda College University, Norway; interests/courses: visual communication, strategic design, editorial design, branding; responsibilities: lecturer, theoretical input, design process support
  • Krzysztof Moszczyński – SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Wrocław, Poland; interests/courses: web design, UX, corporate design, information design; responsibilities: lecturer, theoretical input, design process support
  • Martyna Mrozek – SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Wrocław, Poland; interests/courses: product design, UX&UI design, startups; responsibilities: lecturer, theoretical input, design process support
  • Dorota Płuchowska – SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Wrocław, Poland; interests/courses: communication design, intercultural competence, project management; responsibilities: lecturer, theoretical input, design process support
  • Mariusz Wszołek – SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Wrocław, Poland; interests/courses: communication design, socially-sensitive design, advertising, ideation; responsibilities: lecturer, theoretical input, design process support


Register for our July 30 free webinar 
Study in Poland at USWPS University: Working in multicultural teams.