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Symposium: Summary of DAINA CEEYouth Research Project

Symposium: Summary of DAINA CEEYouth Research Project

Since the 2004 European Union's enlargement, the mobility of young Poles and Lithuanians has significantly increased. For many of them, Great Britain has become a new home. The situation suddenly changed in June 2016, when the Brexit Referendum results were announced. Researchers from SWPS University and from the Public Policy and Management Institute in Lithuania have researched the types of risks that young migrants from Poland and Lithuania have faced as a result of Brexit. During the symposium the researchers will present the results of their study.

Language of the seminar: English.

Free participation. Registration required.

September 23
09:30 - 14:30 CEST (UTC+2)

CEEYouth: the comparative study of Poles and Lithuanians in the context of Brexit

The CEEYouth study examined social changes resulting from the Brexit Referendum. It was the first ever study focused on the lives of young Poles and Lithuanians in the EU. The internationally published project results will allow to better understand the behaviors and decisions made by young migrants, will help predict young migrant life transitions, and develop new interdisciplinary fields of youth and migration studies.

The objectives of the CEEYouth project included:

  • To carry out a detailed exploration of various risks young migrants from Poland and Lithuania experience in the context of Brexit
  • To dynamically analyse how the unfolding consequences of Brexit affect life trajectories of Poles and Lithuanians, with special focus on transitions to adulthood
  • To comparatively assess social anchoring of young Poles and Lithuanians in the UK
  • To compare migrating youth from Poland and Lithuania (movers) to the relevant sedentary populations in the sending countries (stayers)
  • To explore and compare the latest return migration of the young Poles and Lithuanians.

During the seminar, an international team of researchers will present results of the study.



All times are CEST

09.30-11.30 – Project presentations

Introduction by Primary Investigators: Professor Izabela Grabowska from SWPS University and Dovilė Jonavičienė. Ph.D. from PPMi, a leading European research and policy analysis centre.

Bringing anchoring and embedding together: theorising migrants lives over-time – Professor Aleksandra Grzymala-Kazlowska and Professor Louise Ryan

Your heart is where your roots are? Predictors of attachment among Polish and Lithuanian returnees – Dr Agnieszka Trabka, Luka Klimavicute, Dr Olga Czeranowska, Iga Werminska-Wisnicka, Professor Izabela Grabowska and Dr Dovile Jonaviciene

Tacit incorporation into the labour market. Acquiring and transferring soft skills by Polish and Lithuanian migrants – Professor Izabela Grabowska, Assistant Professor Agata Jastrzebowska and Dr Olga Czeranowska

Between settlement, double return and re-emigration. Post-return plans of Polish and Lithuanian migrants – Dr Olga Czeranowska, Dr Violetta Parutis and Dr Agnieszka Trąbka

11.30-12.30 – Lunch break

12.30-14.30 – Presentation of papers by invited guests

The nationality of young EU migrants: does it make a difference? – Professor Anne White

After the crises: The futures of EU-born young people in post-Brexit, post-Covid Britain – Professor Daniela Sime

Generation EU: lessons of youth mobilities before and during Brexit – Dr Aija Lulle

The bittersweet homecoming? Discourses of nostalgia for the country of migration among returnees to Poland and Lithuania - Dr Violetta Parutis

Summary discussion


Keynote Speakers

anne white



Professor Anne White – is Professor of Polish Studies and Social and Political Science at University College London School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES). She holds a Ph.D. from the London School of Economics and Political Science. Her current research interests focus on migration in general, on social change in Poland and on Polish migration. Most of her fieldwork consists of in-depth interviews conducted across a range of locations in Poland. Her publications include Polish Families and Migration since EU Accession (Bristol: Policy Press, 2nd edition 2017) and three other monographs.

She runs the Polish Migration Website at

Daniela Sime



Professor Daniela Sime – is Professor of Youth, Migration and Social Justice in the School of Social Work & Social Policy. Her research interests are in the areas of social justice and inequalities, with a focus on children and young people's education, participation in society and equal opportunities. She is currently working on a research project on the impact of the pandemic on young EU nationals living in the UK. Previously, she led an ESRC-funded project which looked at issues of identity, citizenship and belonging among Central and Eastern European young people in the UK in light of Brexit and its impact on EU nationals' rights (see Between 2016-2018, she was a British Academy mid-Career Fellow, researching young people's experiences of poverty and stigma in times of austerity. Her research sits within the Children, Young People and Families research group, which she lead in the School. Her research has been supported by funding from the Economic and Social Research Council, British Academy, Scottish Government and NGOs. She regularly provides consultancy and training for local authorities and NGOs in her specialist areas. She teaches undergraduate courses in Social Policy, and also coordinates the postgraduate Research Skills Programme in the Faculty. Before she started as a lecturer at the University of Strathclyde in 2005, she worked in the Centre for the Child and Society at the University of Glasgow and in the School of Education at the University of Stirling, where she also got her Ph.D. in Education in 2004. She has been member of grant panels for Carnegie (Scotland) and Fundacio Para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia (Portugal) and elected member of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Young Academy of Scotland (2014-20119).

Aija Lulle



Dr Aija Lulle – is a Lecturer in Human Geography at Loughborough University. Before joining the Loughborough Geography Department in 2018, she worked as the main researcher on the EU Horizon 2020 ‘YMOBILITY’ project at the University of Sussex, researching youth mobilities across Europe (2015-2018). she was also a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Eastern Finland where she researched migrant children and families (2016-2018). She defended her PhD in Human Geography at the University of Latvia in 2014.

Violetta Parutis



Dr Violetta Parutis –is a Senior Survey Officer on Understanding Society (UKHLS) and is responsible for fieldwork monitoring and various other survey management activities. She is also working closely with the participant liaison team and the comms team to develop participant communications and engagement activities, and leading the Associated Studies programme. Her research interests include: Migration, Ethnicity, Identity, Qualitative research methods, Survey methods, particularly survey participation and mixed modes, Surveys of migrants and ethnic minorities.

Louise Ryan 258



Professor Louise Ryan – chair of the Board of Trustees of the British Sociological Association (BSA). Louise, who joined London Met as a Senior Professor of Sociology in 2020 and who is director of the Global Diversities and Inequalities research centre, has become chair of the board of trustees of the BSA. Having joined the BSA as a student in the 1990s, she has been a committed member of the association ever since. Louise was elected to the board of trustees as Director of Publications in 2012 and has now been voted the chair. Founded in 1951, the BSA is the national subject association for sociologists in the UK and its primary objective is to promote sociology. The BSA is the largest sociological network in the UK and is the public face of sociology in Britain. Louise will undertake the role of chair for a two year term of office.

Aleksandra Grzymała-Kazlowska



Professor Aleksandra Grzymała-Kazłowska – has been a member of the Centre of Migration Research since 1998. She also holds a position as an Assistant Professor at the Institute of Sociology. Dr hab. Grzymala-Kazlowska specialises in the issues of adaptation and integration of immigrants, cultural representations and ethnic attitudes as well as new theories of migration and integration. She is an author, editor or co-editor of 6 books or special issues of academic journals as well as over 50 academic papers published, among others, in ‘Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies’, ‘Ethnicities’, ‘Canadian Diversity’ and ‘Journal of Migration and Refugee Studies’. She is a member of the Research Committee on Human Migrations and Polish Diaspora at the Polish Academy of Science and serves as an expert at the Human Rights Defender and a Deputy Editor for the journal ‘Central and Eastern European Migration Review’. She has been granted the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship.


The CEEYouth: The comparative study of young migrants from Poland and Lithuania in the context of Brexit project, was funded by the National Science Center Poland and the Lithuanian Research Academy, under the DAINA 1 research scheme (Grant No. UMO-2017/27/L/HS6/03261)

Date and Location 

Thursday, September 23, 2021, online


Olga Czeranowska
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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