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SWPS University Joins VITAE

SWPS University Joins VITAE

SWPS University, as the first Polish institution, has joined an international organization VITAE, the global leader in supporting the professional development of researchers. Together, SWPS University and VITAE are working on establishing a Centre of Excellence for research and researchers in Poland.


VITAE, a non-profit organization based in the UK, has been enhancing the skills of researchers and supporting transitions of doctoral students to industry, for over 45 years. It is also experienced in working with institutions as they strive for research excellence, innovation and impact.

VITAE believes that researchers are key to helping organizations meet their strategic goals. Therefore, it aims to influence the development and implementation of effective policy relating to the professional development of researchers, improve provision of training and development for scientists, and evidence the impact of professional and career development support for researchers.

It is crucial for our doctoral community, both Ph.D. students and their supervisors, to have a platform such as VITAE to share their experience internationally, but also to get new tools, which will help to manage the process of preparing and defending Ph.D. dissertations effectively and maintain work-life balance.

Associate Professor Izabela Grabowska, Ph.D., Head, Interdisciplinary Doctoral Program.

VITAE Membership

In 2015, VITAE initiated an international membership program for organizations, which train or employ researchers, including doctoral students, postdoctoral fellows and research staff. The program currently includes 183 member organizations. VITAE supports its members in providing an environment for professional development of their researchers through innovation, training, research, resources, events and consultancy.

International Cooperation

Currently, VITAE partners worldwide with researchers, higher education institutions, research organizations, research funders and other organizations that have a stake in realizing the potential of researchers. For the last several years, the organization has also been working with the Foundation for Polish Science on various initiatives supporting Polish researchers in professional development and career planning.

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