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SWPS University - Main page

SWPS University Grants 45 Post-Graduate Degrees

SWPS University Grants 45 Post-Graduate Degrees

Earlier this month during a special ceremony, SWPS University granted new post-graduate degrees to 36 doctoral and 9 post-doctoral students. The doctoral (Ph.D.) and post-doctoral (doktor habilitowany) degrees were conferred by the Faculty of Psychology, the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, the Faculty of Law, Wrocław Faculty of Psychology, and Sopot Faculty of Psychology.

The event was attended by thesis supervisors as well as family and friends of the newly minted post-doctoral scholars. The ceremony was presided over by Associate Professor Roman Cieślak, Ph.D., Rector of SWPS University, and Professor Grzegorz Sędek, Vice-Rector for Research.

Great Research is a Foundation of Good Education

SWPS University is a renowned center of research and higher education. To date, the University has granted 214 doctoral degrees and 53 post-doctoral (doktor habilitowany) degrees. As of February 8, 2016, the university also completed 7 proceedings to grant a title of Full Professor.

SWPS University is one of the most active research centers in Poland. In 2016, our academics conducted 240 research projects, worth over 38 million PLN provided by grants from the National Science Centre (NCN), the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MNiSW), The National Centre for Research and Development, and the Foundation for Polish Science. More about SWPS University research projects »

Additionally, SWPS University’s Research and Development Fund supports the development of new research centers, which offer state-of-the-art equipment that allows scientists to conduct innovative research projects.

SWPS University’s Office for Research supports our academics in the process of grant application. It also consults on research project management and assists in finding research partners and establishing research consortia.


SWPS University is a renowned center of research and higher education. To date, the University has granted 214 doctoral degrees and 53 post-doctoral (doktor habilitowany) degrees. As of February 8, 2016, the university also completed 7 proceedings to grant a title of Full Professor.


9 new post-doctoral degrees (doktor habilitowany)


Social Sciences 

  • Anna Brytek-Matera
    research achievement: „Psychologiczne aspekty zaburzonych wzorców odżywiania się: obraz ciała, strategie radzenia sobie ze stresem i współwystępowanie zachowań ortorektycznych” [Psychological aspects of a disturbed model of eating: body image, strategies of coping with stress and concomitant orthorexic behavior]
  • Katarzyna Byrka
    research achievement: „Łańcuchowe zmiany zachowań w kontekście ochrony środowiska i promocji zdrowia” [Chain of behavior changes in the context of environmental protection and health promotion]
  • Agnieszka Monika Golec
    research achievement: „Kolektywny narcyzm i jego konsekwencje dla relacji międzygrupowych” [Collective narcissism and its consequences in intergroup relations]
  • Wojciech Marek Kulesza
    research achievement: „Efekt kameleona. Psychologia naśladownictwa” [Chameleon Effect. Psychology of Mimicry]
  • Justyna Mirosława Ziółkowska
    research achievement: „Samobójstwo. Analiza narracji osób po próbach samobójczych” [Suicide. Analysis of narrations provided by persons who have attempted suicide]

(Cultural Studies)

  • Anna Kawalec
    research achievement: „Osoba i Nexus. Alfreda Gella antropologiczna teoria sztuki” [Person and Nexus. Anthropological theory of art by Alfred Gell]
  • Wojciech Klimczyk
    research achievement: „Wirus mobilizacji. Taniec a kształtowanie się nowoczesności (1455-1795)” [The virus of mobility. Dance and the shaping of modernity (1455-1795)]
  • Izolda Topp-Wójtowicz
    research achievement: „Słowa niemodne? Kultura - symbol – tradycja” [Unfashionable words? Culture - symbol - tradition]
  • Ewa Kobylińska-Dehe
    research achievement: „Psychoanaliza, kultura, nowoczesność” [Psychoanalysis, culture, and modernity]

36 new doctoral degrees

Social Sciences (Psychology)

  • Olga Aleksandra Białobrzeska
  • Edyta Charzyńska
  • Mariola Dobrołowicz – Konkol
  • Agnieszka Maria Siedler
  • Ewelina Alicja Smoktunowicz
  • Julia Zając
  • Dagmara Gawron (Wrocław Faculty of Psychology)
  • Karolina Zarychta-Zajączkowska (Wrocław Faculty of Psychology)
  • Konrad Bocian (Sopot Faculty of Psychology)

Humanities (Cultural Studies)

  • Julia Ewa Banaszewska
  • Anna Chomczyk
  • Izabela Monika Derda
  • Sandra Frydrysiak
  • Greta Gober
  • Piotr Jezierski
  • Weronika Maja Lewandowska
  • Emma Oki
  • Paweł Stanisław Pyrka
  • Małgorzata Rychert
  • Martyna Joanna Steckiewicz
  • Joanna Ewa Zaniewicz

Social Sciences (Sociology)

  • Zuzanna Małgorzata Oleś-Binczyk
  • Jędrzej Witkowski


  • Daria Bieńkowska
  • Michał Boczek
  • Katarzyna Golusińska
  • Wojciech Kasprzyk
  • Paulina Kwiatkowska-Serafin
  • Agnieszka Marczyńska
  • Barbara Pawlak
  • Marek Porzeżyński
  • Róża Szawłowska
  • Małgorzata Świeca
  • Rafał Trzeciakowski
  • Daria Wierzbińska
  • Tomasz Wierzchowski


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