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International Students Graduation Ceremony 2018

International Students Graduation Ceremony 2018

“Oh, the places you’ll go!” was the overwhelming sentiment of the international students graduation ceremony that took place at SWPS University, on July 6, 2018. It was a special day for the graduates, their families, friends, and for the academic staff, who together celebrated the hard work and many achievements of our students, soon to become alumni.

The Ceremony

Dr. Marcin Jacoby, Director for International Relations, congratulated the students on completing one of the most important milestones of their lives and their future careers and thanked the parents for their unwavering support.

Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Professor Mirosław Filiciak and Dean of the Faculty of Psychology, Professor Paweł Ostaszewski wished their former students many successes in their future academic and professional careers.

At the end of the official ceremony students from several countries, including Belarus, China, Japan, Mexico, Mongolia, Nepal, Norway, Poland, Russia, Sweden, Turkey, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, and Vietnam threw their caps in the air in the symbolic gesture of graduating to the next phase of their lives.


To all our graduates:

Today is your day.
You're off to Great Places!
You're off and away!

You have brains in your head.
You have feet in your shoes.
You can steer yourself
any direction you choose.”

(Oh, the places you’ll go! by Dr. Seuss)

Photos from the Graduation Ceremony


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