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SWPS University - Main page

MediaNumeric: Training New Generation of Journalists

MediaNumeric: Training New Generation of Journalists

We are pleased to announce that SWPS University has joined the Erasmus+ MediaNumeric project, which aims to train the new generation of journalists to work with big data and fight misinformation. As a journalism and media studies center, SWPS University represents the research and teaching domain and contributes to all aspects of the project. We will be responsible for the needs analysis and the essential part of the summer/winter schools. We will also develop some modules for the training program, and host one edition of the program. Having experience in research of media ecosystem, SWPS University will be involved in the evaluation of the program and its subsequent improvements. Finally, we will contribute to the communication and dissemination of the results.

MediaNumeric: Training the New Generation of Journalists to Work with Big Data and Fight Misinformation

The Erasmus+ project MediaNumeric provides training resources to educate the new generation of students in journalism and communication studies. MediaNumeric students are prepared with the theoretical know-how and skills needed to wade through and use (big) data, tell enriched (multimedia) stories, and contribute to democracy by supporting a news ecosystem that is more resilient to misinformation. The European Union is investing one million Euro in this initiative, spearheaded by a consortium consisting of news agencies, universities, archives and a media accelerator.

Digitisation has changed all aspects of the news media landscape, from the way content is created, to how it is distributed and interacted with. European citizens and journalists are now connected to the largest intelligence network that has ever existed. On one hand, this rich data provides an opportunity for data-driven journalism to explore new stories and to delve into large (historical) datasets. On the other hand, the advent of these technological developments generates new challenges for journalists and citizens, such as the easy, prolific spread of inaccurate and misleading information. These issues have shaken the foundations of the journalism profession.

MediaNumeric aims to obtain a deep understanding of the needs of the media industry and tie them to the educational offer of the Higher Education Institutions, highlight the potential of using large multimedia databases for (data-driven) journalism and non-journalistic media production, provide a comprehensive training programme, and foster dialogue and more understanding between sectors by engaging all relevant stakeholders in discussions related to data-driven media analysis and production, fact-finding, and source criticism.

Against this backdrop, MediaNumeric aims to educate the new generation of journalists and storytellers, and through its training programme provides them with the tools and capacity needed to help create a European media ecosystem that is user-driven, fair and balanced, economically sustainable and technologically advanced.

More specifically, MediaNumeric aims to obtain a deep understanding of the needs of the media industry and tie them to the educational offer of the Higher Education Institutions; highlight the potential of using large multimedia databases for (data-driven) journalism and non-journalistic media production; provide a comprehensive training programme; foster dialogue and more understanding between sectors by engaging all relevant stakeholders in discussions related to data-driven media analysis and production, fact-finding and source criticism; ensure sustainability of the MediaNumeric training programme where the resulting training materials will be packaged and used as online, open-access learning materials, either as comprehensive, integrated courses or as granular modules.


MediaNumeric is funded under the European Union’s Erasmus+ programme, carried out from 1 Jan 2021 to 31 Dec 2023. The consortium is integrated by leading actors in academia, industry and audiovisual archives from four EU Member States:

  • The Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision (NL),
  • Inholland University of Applied Sciences (NL),
  • FINA National Film Archive - Audiovisual Institut (PL),
  • SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities (PL),
  • AFP Agence France Presse (FR),
  • INA Institut national de l'audiovisuel (FR),
  • Storytek (EE),
  • EUscreen Foundation (NL).

MediaNumeric logo

ErasmusPlus logo


Contact for media and project inquiries:
Rachel Somers Miles, The Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

For more information and to stay up to date on MediaNumeric, please visit:

logotypy media mumeric en v2

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