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SWPS University - Main page

Let's meet online

of Academic Year

September 28, 2023
14.00 CEST (UTC+2)

Please join us in the celebration of the 28th Inauguration of the Academic Year at SWPS University. This will be the first Inauguration for our youngest offshoot in Kraków, the 14th for Poznań and Katowice, the 20th for Wrocław, and the 21st for Sopot. These numbers show how SWPS University has been growing over the years. They indicate how a non-revolutionary but an evolutionary change has led us to this year’s celebration – for the last time as SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities.
We will mark another significant moment in our history with a symbolic replacement of the University banner. From a higher education institution with a social sciences and humanities profile, we are becoming a fully-fledged, multi-discipline university in the classical sense of the word, under the name of SWPS University. We have many reasons to be proud and joyful, and we will celebrate them together as a multi-campus academic community.
Please join us in this celebration!

Professor Roman Cieślak
Rector of SWPS University

rektor prof. Roman Cieślak

A common celebration
for all SWPS University campuses

We will celebrate the beginning of the new academic year 2023/2024 together at all campuses of SWPS University, which will be possible thanks to a live streaming. To meet the needs of all our students and employees, we also provide simultaneous translation into English and in sign language. You can also join us onsite at one of our campuses. Please register for onsite participation at a campus of your choice.


  1. The national anthem
  2. Rector’s opening address
  3. Announcement of the Rector’s and Director General’s Awards
  4. Matriculation of the first year students and doctoral candidates
  5. Gaudeamus Igitur perfomed by SWPS University Choir
  6. Speeches by representatives of students and doctoral candidates
  7. Opening lecture
  8. Gaude Mater Polonia performed by SWPS University Choir
Rektor Uniwersytetu SWPS

Opening lecture
Knowledgeproof... or about trust, authority figures, and politics

Małgorzata Kossowska

Professor Małgorzata Kossowska, Jagiellonian University

Małgorzta Kossowska is a professor of psychology at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków, where she holds the positions Head of the Department of Social Psychology and Head of the Center for Social Cognitive Studies at the Institute of Psychology.

Her research interests include cognitive and motivational foundations of complex social phenomena, such as political ideology, prejudice, and social inequalities in the cultural context. She also researchers the phenomenon of knowledge resistance and cognitive rigidity and their impact on solving social problems and making socio-political decisions. She is the leader of international consortia DigiPatch and Behavior in Crisis Lab.

Porfessor Kossowska authored 150 publications in Polish and international journals. She has written and co-written 11 books on social cognition, closed-mindedness, stereotypes, prejudice, and tolerance. Over the years, she held the positions of Editor of the European Journal of Social Psychology, European Review of Social Psychology, Personality and Social Psychology Sciences, and the Journal of Social and Political Psychology. She is a member of the editorial committee of Behavioral Sciences of Terrorism and Political Aggression, Social Psychology Bulletin, and Motivational Science.

During her career, she also held the following academic positions: Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy at Jagiellonian University (2012-2020), Director of the Institute of Psychology at Jagiellonian University (2008-2012); member of the Board of the National Science Centre (2012-2020) and Chair of the Board of the National Science Centre (2018-2020, Director of the Polish Society of Social Psychology (PSPS) (2008-2014), Member of the Executive Committee of the European Association of Social Psychology (2017-2023); member of the Council for COVID-19 by the President of the Polish Academy of Sciences (2020-2023). She has been a member of the Polish Academy of Sciences since 2016.

Join us online
Live streaming of the Inauguration of the Academic Year 2023/2024

View photos from the 2023/2024 Inauguration of the Academic Year


Inauguracja Roku Akademickiego 2023/2024
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to learn when and how to apply to SWPS University.