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SWPS University - Main page

SWPS University Included in QS EECA Ranking

SWPS University Included in QS EECA Ranking

We are very pleased to announce that for the very first time, SWPS University has been ranked in the QS EECA University Rankings 2022, which assess universities in Emerging Europe and Central Asia. Our debut in this ranking has been very encouraging as we placed 1st in Poland and 12th among all institutions included in the ranking, in the Citations per Paper category. This confirms the quality of the contribution our researchers make into the global body of knowledge.

SWPS University Among the Best in EECA Region

For the very first time, our university has been included in the ranking of the leading higher education institutions in Emerging Europe and Central Asia. We have been ranked 161 among 450 universities in the region.

As a leading teaching and research institution in Poland in the fields of psychology and social sciences, we have received the highest notes in the research-related categories, such as: Citations per Paper, Staff with Ph.D. Ratio, Papers per Faculty, and International Students Ratio.

Review the full ranking »

About QS Top University Rankings

QS World University Rankings is an annual publication of university rankings by Quacquarelli Symonds (QS). The QS system comprises three parts: the global overall ranking, the subject rankings, and five independent regional tables, including Asia, Latin America, Emerging Europe and Central Asia, the Arab Region, and BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa).

The QS University Rankings, together with the Shanghai Ranking, THE World University Rankings and US News Global University Rankings, is among top four most popular tools helping prospective students evaluate their education options.

SWPS University in Numbers

SWPS University is the first non-public higher education institution in Poland, which has been granted the status of a university. This year we are celebrating our 25th Jubilee.

Close to 17,500 students, in 10 faculties, at 5 campuses, including Warsaw, Wrocław, Poznań, Katowice, and Sopot, pursue higher education at SWPS University. We offer 35 undergraduate, graduate, doctoral, and five-year uniform Master’s Degree programs in Polish, and 14 undergraduate and graduate programs in English, while professionals can choose from a wide range of Graduate Certificate Programs offered by our Center for Professional Education.

We have signed 102 mutual cooperation agreements with universities around the world. There are close to 1,000 members of the faculty at SWPS University. Our scholars conduct close to 300 research projects per year, in our 22 research centers. SWPS University is the top 5th beneficiary of grants from the National Science Centre.

We are in the top 6 percent of research centers in Poland that have been granted the A+ grade in the category of social sciences by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.

Learn more about SWPS University’s research projects »

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