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SWPS University - Main page

SWPS University Best in Poland in U-Multirank 2021 Assessment

SWPS University Best in Poland in U-Multirank 2021 Assessment

In the 2021 U-Multirank evaluation – a multidimensional, user-driven approach to international ranking of higher education institutions – SWPS University received the highest number of top scores among 40 universities in Poland that have been evaluated this year. We received “As” in 11 sub-categories that assess research, knowledge transfer, international orientation, regional engagement, and teaching and learning.

Top Score Among Universities in Poland

U-Multirank compares the performances of higher education institutions in the five dimensions of university activity: teaching and learning, research, knowledge transfer, international orientation, and regional engagement. In 2021, SWPS University received 11 top marks across all five categories:


  • Post-doc positions
  • Professional publications
  • Open Access Publications

Knowledge Transfer:

  • Income from private sources
  • Spin-offs
  • Income from continuous professional development

International Orientation:

  • Foreign language master programmes
  • International joint publications

Regional Engagement:

  • Bachelor graduates working in the region
  • Master graduates working in the region
  • Regional joint publications

Kategoria Teaching & Learning:

  • Gender balance (new metric introduced in 2021, not included in the overall assessment this year)

This year, 1,948 universities from 97 countries were evaluated in the U-Multirank 2021 assessment, including 40 universities from Poland. SWPS University achieved top marks, ex aequo with SGH Warsaw School of Economics, among Polish higher education institutions.

Overall ranking of SWPS University in U-Multirank assessment >>

U-Multirank 2021 SWPS University

U-Multirank 2021 SWPS University


U-Multirank is a multidimensional, user-driven approach to international ranking of higher education institutions. It compares the performances of higher education institutions in the five dimensions of university activity: teaching and learning, research, knowledge transfer, international orientation, and regional engagement. Based on empirical data, U-Multirank compares institutions with similar institutional profiles.

During the last years U-Multirank has become the largest international database on universities in the world. The breadth of its database enables its users to create interactive multi-dimensional comparisons across five performance dimensions.

The interactive tool assisting students in selecting their best matching university or program is available at In addition, U-Multirank also offers an interactive map of 100 top performing universities worldwide on different dimensions, including information on the experience of universities with full online programmes (LINK).

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