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SWPS University - Main page


Weronika Trzemielewska holds a doctoral degree in psychology (thesis advisor Professor Bogdan Wojciszke). She specializes in social psychology. She is particularly interested in correlations between mimicry and social cognition.

Dr. Trzmielewska carried out research projects in collaboration with international research teams, including Radboud University in the Netherlands and Leuphana University in Germany. She lectured on research design at Leuphana University. Additionally, in cooperation with researchers from Australia, she investigated the role of physical traits and personality in the context of romantic relationships.

She co-authored, with Joanna Szen-Ziemiańska, Ph.D., a book U progu akademii. Wyzwania na drodze do doktoratu i kariery naukowej w naukach społecznych (i nie tylko) [At the threshold of academia. Challenges on the way to a doctoral degree and a research career in social sciences (and other disciplines]. The book has bridged the information gap that existed previously in this area.

She is a member of the Polish Society of Social Psychology (PSPS) and the European Association of Social Psychology (EASP).

Dr. Trzmielewska won the 2016 Jolanta and Leszek Czarnecki “Wspieramy uzdolnionych” (We support talented researchers) scholarship. She was also a beneficiary of the annual scholarship for best graduate and doctoral students. Several times she was rated one of the best lecturers in the annual student assessment carried out at SWPS University’s Faculty of Psychology and Law in Poznań.

To popularize research careers among students, she organized numerous university events, research projects, practicums, and meetings, some with renowned scholars, such as Professors Roy Baumeister, Robert Sternberg, and Jerzy Brzeziński.

At SWPS University she teaches classes in social and cross-cultural psychology, and statistics. She also taught psychology for students of law and postgraduate students.

Related information on SWPS University website