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SWPS University - Main page

Creative Economy Research Center

Institute of Humanities

The Center brings together theoreticians and practitioners specializing in the creative industry. The team researches the growth of creative economy in Poland and Europe, and inspires its further development. To this effect, the Center collaborates with many individuals and institutions representing the public, private, non-profit, and commercial sectors.

Our goal is to facilitate the ongoing dialogue between the economy, the creative sector, and creativity.

centrum badan nad gospodarka kreatywna uniwersytet swps

Research Goals

We are developing a strong platform, which fosters understanding and cooperation, and supports the development of the Polish creative economy and its position in the country and around the world.

What is Creative Economy?

In 2001, John Howkins published “The Creative Economy. How People make Money from Ideas”. In the book he showed, in an innovative way, how the economy, culture, technology (especially the new technologies), and human creativity are connected and intertwined.

cbgk mem

A few years later, in 2008, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) issued a “Creative Economy Report 2008: The Challenge of Assessing the Creative Economy: Toward Informed Policy-making”, which ushered the term “creative economy” into the international scientific discourse.e of Assesing the Creative Economy: Toward Informed Policy – making”.

The term combines the following ideas:

  • creative class
  • creative cities
  • culture industries
  • creative sector
  • and various types of creativity.

The significance of the creative economy has been steadily growing. It has been also emphasized that apart from being conducive to social inclusiveness, cultural diversity, and human development, the creative economy carries a huge potential for economic growth.

According to one of the latest reports published by the European Commission, creative sectors constitute 11.2% of all private enterprises that employ 7.5% of all working people, and contribute 5.3% of the added value in the EU.

We want to bring together
all creative theoreticians and practitioners

cbgk logo

The notion of creative economy and creative sectors is relatively new in scientific literature, so is the recognition of this sector of the economy as a separate and distinct sphere. Research, especially in Poland, is still scarce in this area. The research projects that have been conducted so far, definitely require further studies in relation to many aspects of the sector in question.

Therefore, the goal of the Creative Economy Research Center is to be a leader in the field of the creative economy research and become an important partner for research in this field, in Poland and abroad.

However, our goal is to go beyond the theoretical approach. We not only wish to focus on analyzing the creative economy in Poland and Europe, but we also want to contribute to its development. Creativity means an ongoing dialog ‒ we are here to ensure its effectiveness. We want to bring together all creative people and, by harnessing the synergy, develop positive solutions. To this end, the Center collaborates with individuals as well as public, private, commercial and non-profit institutions.

If you work in the creative economy sector and you have an idea for an innovative research or applied project, but you don’t know where to start, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to help you.

External Partners

The following organizations are external partners of the Creative Economy Research Center: the European Parliament of Culture, the Association of Cultural Economics International (Boston), ERICarts, the University of Barcelona, the Rotterdam University, Firma Platige Image, Millward-Brown, Radio TOK FM, Planeta-Junior, Orange Polska, PKO BP, Zachodnia Izba Gospodarcza we Wrocławiu (Western Chamber of Commerce in Wrocław), and KAYAX.

Gruszka-Dobrzyńska, Ewa violinist and economist, recipient of the Minster's of Culture and National Heritage scholarship (culture management)
Permanent employee
First and last name
Ewa Gruszka-Dobrzyńska
Academic degree or title
Role in the Research Center
{"funkcja-w-centrum0":{"Funkcja":"","\u0141\u0105cznik":"","Nazwa w mianowniku":"Creative Economy Research Center"}}
Creative Economy Research Center
Role in the Faculty
Role in the Department
Role in the Institute
M.A. Ewa Gruszka-Dobrzyńskaeconomist
Karpińska, Anna cultural researcher, project coordinator, graduate of a post-graduate program for culture managers at SGH Warsaw School of Economics
Permanent employee
Role in the Research Center
{"funkcja-w-centrum0":{"Funkcja":"","\u0141\u0105cznik":"","Nazwa w mianowniku":"Creative Economy Research Center"}}
cultural researcher, cultural project coordinator
First and last name
Anna Karpińska
Creative Economy Research Center
Role in the Faculty
Role in the Department
Role in the Institute
M.A. Anna Karpińskacultural researcher, cultural project coordinator
Kozieł, Maciej doctoral student at SWPS University's Doctoral School, Coordinator of the Creative Economy Research Center
doctoral student at SWPS Unviersity's Doctoral School
Permanent employee
First and last name
Maciej Kozieł
Academic degree or title
M.A. Maciej Koziełdoctoral student at SWPS Unviersity's Doctoral School
Trzciński, Stanisław cultural researcher, economist, culture and concert promotor, music journalist
cultural researcher, economist, culture and concert promotor, music journalist
Permanent employee
First and last name
Stanisław Trzciński
Academic degree or title
Ph.D. Stanisław Trzcińskikreator kultury, promotor koncertowy, producent muzyczny


  • Maksymilian Bielecki, Ph.D. / Assistant Professor, SWPS University
  • Szymon Chudy, musician
  • Aneta Duda, Ph.D., Copernicus Science Center
  • Teresa Dudzik, Ph.D., Warsaw School of Economics
  • Selena Dudzińska, marketing specialist
  • Izabela Fila
  • Łukasz Gaweł, Ph.D. / Associate Professor, Faculty of Management and Social Communication, Jagiellonian University
  • Bogumiła Gręda, cultural researcher
  • Anna Janowska, Ph.D., Warsaw School of Economics
  • Kamil Jędra
  • Piotr Kabaj, music industry expert, TAKT Sp. z o.o.
  • Tamara Kamińska, doctoral student, Music Export Poland
  • Izabela Knyżewska, SWPS Innovations
  • Mikołaj Ławnicki, graphic designer
  • Monika Makuch, Zróbmy Badanie
  • Katarzyna Plebańczyk, Ph.D., Jagiellonian University
  • Paweł Płoski, Ph.D., A. Zelwerowicz National Academy of Dramatic Art in Warsaw, Director of the E. Lipiński Museum of Caricature
  • Michał Ulidis, Publicon
  • Antoni Rosochacki, lawyer, student of psychology at SWPS University
  • Agnieszka Skruczaj-Olejnik, statistician, psychologist
  • Ziemowit Socha, Ph.D., Institute for Educational Research
  • Kacper Świtalski, film director
  • Marek Woźniak
  • Karolina Wójcik, M.A., Managing Director of SWPS Innovations
  • Kamil Zawadzki, Ph.D. / Associate Professor, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń
  • Kamila Ziemba