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Professor Dorota Ilczuk is an economist specializing in the management of the cultural and creative industries sector. She researches issues concerning civic societies, creative economy, labor market of professional arts and culture, and the role of producers in the creative economy.

She was the founder of the Pro Cultura Foundation and was its President for many years. From 2001 to 2007, she was the President of the Cultural Information and Research Centres Liaison in Europe (CIRCLE), an organization that researched, documented and promoted information about culture. She is a member of the European Cultural Parliament and the Scientific Board of the Public Library of the City of Warsaw. She collaborates with international organizations and research societies, including: ERICArts, the Association for Cultural Economics International (ACEI), and the International Society for Third-Sector Research (ISTR). As an expert affiliated with the Council of Europe and the European Union, she contributes to international research projects focused on arts and culture.

Professor Ilczuk is a precursor of cultural economics as a scientific discipline. She authored and co-authored several books, including “Ekonomika kultury” (Cultural economics) (2015), and over 100 reports and articles on cultural economics, cultural industries, cultural policy, civic society, and the non-profit sector.

At SWPS University she teaches classes on Polish and international granting systems and ways of obtaining funds for cultural projects, cultural economics, evolution of competition, and local, national and international cultural policies.

Thematic areas

  • Culture and creative industries
  • Economic aspects of entrepreneurship in creative industries
  • Business models in the creative sector
  • Cultural policy
  • Crowdfunding, CSR non-profit organizations

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