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Professor Jolanta Życińska is a health psychologist. She researches personal and social resources in illness, and models of health behavior change. She also designs and evaluates methods of health behavior change. Some of her research projects focused on motivation for changing risk behaviors in chronic illness, psychological determinants of post-mastectomy breast reconstruction, and fatigue in patients suffering from lung cancer.

As an expert in health psychology she designs and implements training programs for various clients, such as training for Medicover medical personnel or a smoking cessation program for employees of companies located in Silesia district of Poland.

In an international CESAR study investigating air pollution and respiratory health, Professor Życińska was the leader of the Polish team, which was responsible for the perception and communication of risk.

Professor Życiańska has written several books on health psychology, including O rzuceniu palenia inaczej [Differently About Smoking Cessation] (2001), with Irena Heszen Psychologia zdrowia. W poszukiwaniu pozytywnych inspiracji [Health Psychology. Searching for positive inspiration] (2008), and Motywacja do zmiany zachowań ryzykownych w chorobie [Motivation for Changing Risky Behavior in Illness] (2017). She also published numerous articles in scientific journals, such as Quality of Life Research, Reports of Practical Oncology and Radiotherapy, and the Polish Psychological Bulletin.

At SWPS University she teaches classes in psychopathology and health psychology. She is also a Master’s thesis advisor.

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